Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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State Film Corporation Act (No. 47 of 1971) - Sect 30

Accounts and audit of accounts

(1) The Board of Directors shall cause proper accounts of the income and expenditure of the Corporation and of all its other transactions to be kept and shall prepare an annual statement of accounts and statistics relating to the business of the Corporation in such form and containing such particulars as the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance may from time to time specify.
(2) The accounts of the Corporation for each financial year shall be submitted to the Auditor-General for audit within four months of the close of the financial year. For the purpose of assisting him in the audit of such accounts, the Auditor-General may employ the services of any qualified auditor or auditors who shall act under his direction and control.
(3) For the purpose of meeting the expenses incurred by him in the audit of the accounts of the Corporation, the Auditor-General shall be paid by the Corporation such remuneration as the Minister may, with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, determine. Any remuneration received from the Corporation by the Auditor-General shall, after deducting any sums paid by him to any qualified auditor or auditors employed by him for the purposes of such audit, be credited to the Consolidated Fund of Ceylon.

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