Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Gangathilaka Maha Viharastha Sasanaraksaka Samithiya (Incorporation) Act (No. 3 of 2000) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is Constituted are hereby declared to be-
(a) to construct and maintain buildings required for the Sri Gangathilaka Maha Viharaya ;
(b) to promote the religious education of the Buddhist laity ;
(c) to provide the resident bhikkus of the Sri Gangathilaka Maha Viharaya. with educational facilities and to help them in with their daily needs :
(d) to promote cultural activities, including ancient forms of art, in the village and the area in and around the Sri Gangathilaka Maha Viharaya ;
(e) to establish, equip and maintain a pre-school :
(f) to establish and maintain departments for oriental languages ;
(g) to establish and maintain a department for international languages such as English and French ;
(h) to engage in the dissemination of the Dhamma internationally ;
(i) to preserve and disseminate the Buddhist Philosophy and the Buddhist Way of life ;
(j) to establish friendly relations with other Buddhist organizations in Sri Lanka and abroad ;
(k) to conduct vocational training courses for youth in Sri Lanka ;
(l) to train students in small industries and to help them, financially or otherwise, to establish themselves as useful citizens;
(m) to promote education, by establishing and maintaining pirivenas. schools and other educational institutions, and by granting scholarships ;
(n) to provide medical aid, food and housing, to the poor, the destitute and the sick :
(o) to establish and maintain, orphanages and homes for the aged and to establish social welfare centres ;
(p) to provide welfare facilities for the deaf, dumb and blind and for disabled persons and to establish welfare homes ;
(q) to assist. financially or by granting scholarships or otherwise, voluntary workers and others who are engaged in the attainment of the objects of the Corporation ;
(r) to establish and maintain, libraries, to subscribe for and issue books, journals, souvenirs and periodicals and to provide such other services as may be deemed desirable for attaining the objects of the Corporation :
(s) to promote, arrange, organize and hold, exhibitions. lectures, seminars, symposia, workshops, classes, debates, conferences, tours, excursions or any other activities in furtherance of the objects of the Corporation ;
(t) to co-operate and associate, with other associations, societies or organizations having objects similar to those of the Corporation :
(u) to organize programmes for the study of ayurvedic and indigenous Medicine and to conduct courses of study leading to the award of diplomas and other educational qualifications :
(v) to act as an affiliated institution or a representative of any local or foreign technical or professional training institute carrying on educational activities ;
(w) to do all such other acts and things as are necessary, conducive or incidental, to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the Corporation.

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