Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Surveyors' Institute Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act (No. 22 of 1982) - Sect 7

Rules of the Corporation

(1) It shall be lawful for the Corporation, from time to time, at any general meeting and by the majority of two- thirds of the members present and qualified to Vote, to make rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, for the management of the affairs of the Corporation and the accomplishment of its objects. Such rules when made may, at a like meeting and in like manner, be altered, added to, amended or rescinded.
(2) The rules of the Institute in force at the feme of the coming into operation of this Act shall be deemed to be rules of the Corporation made under this section and may be altered, added to, amended, rescinded or replaced by rules made under this Act.
(3) The members of the Corporation shall at all times be subject to the rules of the Corporation.

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