Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment Act (No. 32 of 2005) - Sect 3

The functions of the Board

3. The functions of the Board shall be
(a) to grant accreditation, in accordance with national standards based on the relevant international standards, to laboratories, certification and inspection bodies, training institutions and other persons required to carry out conformity assessments;
(b) to promote accreditation activities in conformity with the guidelines laid down in the National Quality Policy as approved by the Cabinet of Ministers;
(c) to ensure competence in internationally accepted accreditation practices and to facilitate international co-operation in accreditation;
(d) to encourage and promote the use of accreditation, the training of assessors, the conduct of seminars, and the dissemination of information, on accreditation;
(e) to conclude agreements on mutual recognition with regard to areas related or connected to accreditation with foreign and international bodies ; and
(f) to do all such other acts as may be necessary or conducive in discharging any or all of the above functions. Powers of the Board.

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