4. The Council shall have the power"
(a) to acquire hold take or give on lease or hire, mortgage, pledge, sell, exchange, or otherwise alienate, encumber or dispose of, any immovable or movable property for the purpose of the Council ; |
(b) to enter into and perform or carry out, whether directly or through any officer or agent authorized in that behalf by the Council, all such contracts or agreements as may be necessary for the attainment of the objects or exercise of the powers of the Council; |
(c) to invest its funds, and to maintain current, deposit and savings accounts in any bank or banks; |
(d) to advance or lend, and to borrow, money for the purposes of the Council in such manner and upon such security as the Council may think fit:; |
(e) to levy fees, subscriptions and contributions in respect of membership, admission to membership, and admission to courses and examinations conducted by the Council; |
(f) to prescribe the terms and conditions of, and to supervise, control and regulate, the training, of persons desiring to qualify as archaeologists; |
(g) to appoint, employ, transfer, dismiss and take disciplinary action against, officers and servants and to prescribe their terms and conditions of service ; |
(h) generally, to do all such acts not inconsistent with this Act or any other written law, as are necessary for, or incidental or conducive to, the carrying out or the attainment of objects of the Council. |