Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act (No. 13 of 2005) - Sect 11

Declaration of state of disaster

(1) If at any time, the extent or severity of a disaster or impending disaster is or is likely to be so great, that any counter-measures that may become necessary to counter such disaster or impending disaster are beyond the resources or means normally available to the administration, the President may, on President's own motion or on the advice of the Council, by Proclamation declare that a state of disaster exists, either in respect of any area or areas specified in such proclamation, or of the whole country.
(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (3), a Proclamation made under subsection (1) shall come into force on the date on which such Proclamation is made and shall, remain in force for a period of two months from the date of the making of the Proclamation, and may thereafter, if necessary, be extended for further periods not exceeding two months at a time.
(3) A Proclamation made under subsection (1), shall be placed before Parliament at its first sitting immediately after the date of declaration of the Proclamation, to be approved by a resolution of Parliament.
(4) If Parliament does not approve any Proclamation placed before it, such Proclamation shall, immediately upon such disapproval, cease to be valid and have no force in law, but without prejudice to anything lawfully done thereunder.

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