Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act (No. 13 of 2005) - Sect 14

Duties of an appropriate organization

(1) It shall be the duty of an appropriate organization directed to take any action under section 12, to -
(a) enter any place where such appropriate organization believes on reasonable grounds that it is necessary to enter for the purpose of saving human life or for the prevention of injury to human life or for the rescuing of persons whose lives are endangered or to facilitate the carrying out of any other urgent measures with respect to relief from suffering and distress of affected persons ;
(b) evacuate people, property and animals from affected or vulnerable areas ;
(c) close traffic on any road, street (whether public or private) right of way or in any public place, for the implementation of disaster counter-measures until the police and the armed forces arrive ;
(d) remove any obstruction impeding the implementation of disaster counter-measures with the assistance of the police or the armed forces; and
(e) do any other act as such appropriate organization may consider reasonably necessary for the purpose of implementing effectively any disaster counter- measures or to perform any act preliminary or incidental to any action directed to be taken by such appropriate organization under section 12.
(2) The duties entrusted under subsection (1) on any appropriate organization shall be performed by such organization only within the area or areas in which such organization has been authorized to operate by the Council, in performing its duties under subsection (1) of section 12.

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