Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act (No. 13 of 2005) - Sect 4

Section - 4

4. The functions of the Council shall be-
(a) to formulate a national policy and program on the management of disasters which shall provide for -
(i) the protection of life of the community and environment from disaster and the maintenance and development of disaster affected areas ;
(ii) the effective use of resources for preparedness, prevention, response, relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation ;
(iii) the enhancement of public awareness and training to help people to protect themselves from disasters; Functions of the Council.
(iv) capacity building, among persons living in areas vulnerable to disaster, in relation to risk management and the application of disaster management and mitigation practices ; and
(v) pre-disaster planning, preparedness and mitigation while sustaining and further improving post-disaster relief, recovery and rehabilitation capabilities ;
(b) to prepare and formulate the National Disaster Management Plan and the National Emergency Operation Plan based on the national policy and program formulated under paragraph (a), in order to ensure -
(i) preparedness for disasters and any other emergencies ;
(ii) risk prevention ; and
(iii) the prevention and mitigation of disaster ;
(c) to monitor the implementation of the National Disaster Management Plan and the National Emergency Operation Plan and to submit such plans to the Cabinet of Ministers for its approval;
(d) to facilitate emergency response, recovery, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction in the event of any disaster ;
(e) where it considers appropriate, to take all steps necessary to counter any disaster or impending disaster, in accordance with the National Disaster Management Plan or in accordance with such measures as may be decided by the Council for such purposes ;
(f) to direct, co-ordinate and monitor the activities of the Disaster Management Centre established under section 8 and the appropriate organizations designated under section 21, and to ensure that available resources are used effectively by such Centre and organizations in the discharge of their functions ;
(g) to ensure that adequate publicity is given to the National Disaster Management Plan and the National Emergency Operation Plan;
(h) to specify guidelines to be complied with by every Ministry, Government Department and public corporation in the preparation of Disaster Management Plans under section 10;
(i) to facilitate and support local and community self reliance in the event of any potential or actual disaster ;
(j) to promote public awareness campaigns relating to disaster management and funding of research and development on disaster management;
(k) to facilitate liaison with organizations and persons pursuing hazard, vulnerability and risk reduction studies and implementing action programmes and commissioning such studies and action programmes;
(l) to assign functions and responsibilities to the Disaster Management Centre established under section 8;
(m) to initiate programmes relating to prevention and mitigation of disaster and the provision of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction;
(n) to appraise the Cabinet of Ministers on all relevant matters connected with any potential and actual disasters;
(o) to recommend the allocation of funds for disaster management from the relevant authorities and bodies and the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Fund, established by the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Fund Act, No. 58 of 1993.

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