Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act (No. 13 of 2005) - Sect 8

Establishment of Disaster Management Centre

(1) There shall be established for the purposes of this Act, a Disaster Management Centre headed by a Director- General and such number of other directors as may be . determined by the Council. The Director-General and other Directors shall be appointed by the Council in consultation with the Minister.
(2) The functions of the Centre established under subsection (1) shall be as assigned by the Council, and shall include the following :-
(a) assisting the Council in the preparation of the National Disaster Management Plan and the National Emergency Operation Plan and proposals for upgrading the same when it becomes necessary ;
(b) taking responsibility for the implementation of the National Disaster Management Plan and the National Emergency Operation Plan, and upon the declaration of a state of disaster to direct and co- ordinate the implementation of the National Emergency Operation plan;
(c) ensuring that the various Disaster Management Plans prepared by Ministries, Government Departments or public corporations conforms to the National Disaster Management Plan ;
(d) based on Disaster Management Plans prepared by various Ministries, Government Departments and public corporations under section 10, preparing and implementing programmes and plans for disaster preparedness, mitigation, prevention, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities and coordinating of organizations which implement such programmes and plans and obtain financial assistance form the Treasury for such activities and release the same to the relevant regions and monitor and evaluate these activities ;
(e) issuing instructions and guidelines to appropriate organizations, non-governmental organizations, district secretaries and divisional secretaries on activities relating to disaster management and initiating and implementing work programmes in co-ordination with such organizations and secretaries;
(f) promoting research and development programmes in relation to disaster management and setting up and maintaining a data base on disaster management; and
(g) submitting reports to the Council from time to time and whenever required by the Council in regard to its activities.

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