Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Federation Of University Women (Incorporation) Act (No. 12 of 1985) - Sect 11

Powers of the Corporation to acquire property, invest funds, raise loans, & c

11. It shall be lawful for the Corporation -
(a) to purchase, acquire, rent, construct and otherwise obtain lands or buildings which may be required for the purposes of the Corporation and may lawfully be acquired for those purposes, and to deal with or dispose of the same as may be deemed expedient with a view to promoting the objects of the Corporation;
(b) to invest any funds not immediately required for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner as the Executive Council may think fit and from time to time to vary and transpose any .such investments;
(c) to raise or borrow money for the purposes of the Corporation on any security and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation of the Corporation in such manner as may be thought fit ;
(d) to solicit and receive subscriptions, grants, donations and gifts of all kinds for the purposes of the Corporation ;
(e) to construct, alter or maintain any buildings required for the purposes of the Corporation;
(f) to subscribe or guarantee- money for any charitable purpose;
(g) to undertake accept, execute, perform and administer any lawful trusts and conditions affecting any real or personal property held or owned or to be held or owned in trust for the Corporation or any other charitable association, institution, society or body and any other charitable trusts;
(h) to establish and maintain a headquarters for University women, and to establish and organize branches, and institutions such as research, training, social or welfare institutions in any part of Sri Lanka;
(i) to appoint, dismiss or terminate the services of officers and servants of the Corporation, and to pay them such salaries, pensions, gratuities and allowances as may from time to time be determined y the Corporation;
(j) to establish or contribute to any fund or scheme for the grant of gratuities, pensions, allowances or other benefits to officers or servants, past or present, of the Corporation, or to the relatives or dependants of such persons ;
(k) to enter into any contract with any person) company, society or body of persons) whether corporate or unincorporate, or any Government department or local authority for promoting the objects of the Corporation; and
(l) to do all other things necessary or expedient for the proper and effective carrying out of the objects of, the Corporation.

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