Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Institute Of Architects Law (No. 1 of 1976) - Sect 9

Code of Professional Conduct

(a) The Council shall have power by regulation from time to time to prescribe, and to amend, add to, replace or repeal, a Code of Professional Conduct.
( b) Pending the making of regulations under this section, for the purposes of this Law, " professional misconduct " means any act or omission contrary to the Code of Professional Conduct of the Ceylon Institute of Architects for the time being in force.
(c) The Council shall by regulation prescribe a Code of Professional Conduct within a period of six months after the commencement of this Law; the provisions of section 6 (3) shall not apply thereto. Such Code shall come into operation on the date of the publication in the Gazette or on such subsequent date as may be specified therein.

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