Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Incorporation) Act (No. 41 of 1980) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be -
(a) to foster the development, growth and wider acceptance of Marketing as a part of management in Sri Lanka;
(b) to provide a professional forum for its membership;
(c) to contribute, Within the area of its professional competence, to the economic growth of the country ;
(d) to advise and assist on the formation, implementation, and appraisal of national policies on any matters connected with Marketing both in Sri Lanka and
(e) to suggest and promote legislative action in the sphere of Marketing to serve the best interests of the country ; and
(f) to promote, maintain, and uphold professional and ethical principles and standards in the practice of Marketing in Sri Lanka :
Provided, however, that the Corporation shall not support any object or endeavour to impose on, or procure to be observed by, its members or others any regulation, restriction or condition which, if it were an object of the Corporation, would make it a trade union: And provided further that the Corporation shall not support any object of a political, religious or racial nature.

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