Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Incorporation) Act (No. 41 of 1980) - Sect 6

Executive Committee

(1) The affairs of the Corporation shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of -
(a) the Council of Management comprising the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Assistant Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer ; and
(b) ten other members,
(2) The Executive Committee may nominate, if it so desires, for the period of one year a Consultative Council, consisting of not more than five persons distinguished in Marketing or in a related field. The Executive Committee may, in its discretion, seek the views and advice of the Consultative Council, but it shall in no way be bound to accept or execute any such advice.
(3) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint Special Committees for such purposes as it may determine.
(4) The first Executive Committee of the Corporation shall be the Executive Committee of the Institute holding office on the date of commencement of this Act.

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