Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Nurses Council Act (No. 19 of 1988) - Sect 20

Erasure of names from the register

(1) The Council shall have the power to order the Registrar to erase the name of any person from the register if that person
(a) is deprived of any diploma, degree or certificate on the faith of which he or she was registered as a nurse;
(b) is convicted of an offence which is punishable with imprisonment and which shows the person to be unfit to practice as a nurse;
(c) is of a character, or has been guilty of conduct, unbefitting the profession of a nurse ;
(d) by reason of negligence or incapacity as a nurse. cannot be safely allowed to continue to practice as such.
(2) Before the Council makes an order to erase the name of any person from the register under subsection (2) of section 19 or under this section a written notice shall be served on such person requiring him to show cause within a specified period, which shall in no case be less than fourteen days from the date on which the notice is served on him, why such an order should not be made, and the Council shall consider the objections, if any, of such person before making its order and shall convey its order to the person concerned in writing.

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