Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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State Lands (Recovery Of Possession) Act (No. 7 of 1979) - Sect 11

Execution of order of ejectment

(1) Where any person fails to comply with an order made under section 7 or section 10 the Magistrate shall on the application of a competent authority direct the Fiscal or a police officer to eject from the land to which the order relates all persons bound by the order and to deliver possession of such land to such competent authority or his representative.
(2) The Fiscal or the police officer entrusted with the execution of the order of ejectment shall comply with the direction of the Magistrate's Court by which such order was made and shall make a due return of the manner in which he executed such order.
(3) In executing an order of ejectment the Fiscal or the police officer or any officer authorized by the Fiscal or the police officer may use such force as may be necessary to enter the land to which that order relates to and to eject any person bound by the order and to deliver possession of the land in accordance with the direction of the Magistrate's Court which issued the order.

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