Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 15

Temporary employment with the Ports Authority of the Colombo port Commission who do not belong to a combined service

(1) Every public officer of the Colombo Port Com- mission who does not belong to a combined service of the Government and who was in service on the day immediately preceding the appointed date, shall be offered temporary employment with the Authority for a period not
(2) Where a public officer referred to in subsection (1) accepts temporary employment with the Ports Authority
(a) if, on the day immediately preceding the appointed date his substantive post in the Colombo Port Commission was a post declared to be pensionable under the Minutes on Pensions-
(i) he shall be deemed, for the purpose of these Minutes to continue to hold such a post so long as he is in the temporary employment of the Authority and shall be eligible for the grant of a pension or gratuity as though his service in the temporary employment of the Authority were service under the Government;
(ii) in respect of him the Ports Authority shall pay out of its funds to the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury to be credited to the Consolidated fund for every complete month of service during which he is in the temporary employment of the Authority such sum not exceeding twenty-five per centum, as may be determined by the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance of the salary payable to him in the substantive post that he held in the Colombo Fort Commission. on the day immediately preceding the appointed date; and
(iii) he shall , for the purpose of the preceding sub -paragraphs (i) and (ii) be deemed, during such period of temporary employment with the Ports Authority, to have earned his increments, if any, in the substantive post that he held in the Colombo ports commission on the day immediately preceding the appointed date, provided that the Authority certifies that his work and conduct were satisfactory and that he has earned his increments.
(b) if, on the day immediately preceding the appointed date, he was a contributor to the Public Service Provident Fund established under the Public Service Provident Fund Ordinance-
(i) he shall be deemed, for the purpose of that Ordinance, to continue to be such a contributor so long as he is in the temporary employment of the Ports Authority and shall be eligible for the grant of any award under that Ordinance as though his temporary employment under the Authority were service under the Government;
(ii) he shall, while in the temporary employment of the Ports Authority, pay to the Public Service Provident Fund such contributions as he was liable under that Ordinance to pay;
(iii) in respect of him, the Ports Authority shall pay at the close of each financial year, out of its funds, to the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury to be credited to the officer's account in the Public Service Provident Fund a sum equivalent to such contribution as the Government is liable to pay to such Fund in respect of him; and
(iv) he shall, for the purpose of the preceding sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) be deemed, during such period of temporary employment with the Ports Authority, to have earned his increments, if any, in the substantive post that he held in the Colombo Port Commission on the day immediately preceding the appointed date, provided that the Authority certifies that his work and conduct were satisfactory and that he has earned his increments.
(3) Every public officer referred to in subsection (1) who does not accept temporary employment with the Ports Authority shall be deemed to have left the Public Service on the appointed date.
(4) Every public officer referred to in subsection, (2) whose temporary employment with the Ports Authority is terminated either at his option or at the instance of the Authority, shall be deemed to have left the Public Service on the date of termination of such employment.

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