Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 49

Power of Courts to consolidate claims

49. Where any liability is alleged to have been Incurred by the Ports Authority in respect of loss of life, personal injury, or loss of, or damage to vessels, trains, vehicles or other goods whatsoever and several claims are made or apprehended in respect of that liability, the Authority may apply to the District Court of Colombo which, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other law, is hereby vested with jurisdiction to hear and determine that application and that Court may determine the amount of the liability of the Authority and may distribute that amount rateably among the several claimants and may stay any proceedings pending in any other court relating to the same matter and may proceed in such manner and subject to such directions, as to making persons interested parties to the proceedings, and as to the exclusion of any claimants who had not come in within a prescribed time, and as to requiring security from the Authority and as to payment of any costs, as such Court thinks fit

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