Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 5

Membership of the Ports Authority

(1) The Ports Authority shall consist of the following members :-
(a) the Chairman and five other members all of whom shall be appointed by the Minister from among persons who appear to the Minister to have wide experience in, and to have shown capacity in, port development or port operations or legal or financial matters, or shipping, commercial or engineering activities or administration or labour relations;
(b) a representative of the General Treasury nominated by the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance ;
(c) the Principal Collector of Customs ; and
(d) a representative of the Ministry in charge of the Minister to whom the subject of Fisheries has been assigned, nominated by such Minister.
(2) The Minister may appoint one of the members appointed under subsection (1) (a), other than the Chairman to be the Vice-chairman of the Porto Authority.
(3) The provisions of Schedule I to this Act shall have effect in relation to the Ports Authority.

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