Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 55

Penalty for obstructing the Ports Authority in the performance of its duties

55. any person who, within the limits of any specified ports or the approaches there to-
(a) removes any marks set up for the purpose of indicating any levels or direction necessary to the execution of any work authorised by this act;
(b) wilfully and without lawful cause lifts, injures, makes a vessel fast to loosens or sets adrift, any moorings,, buoys, beacons or sea or land marks;
(c) assaults, resists, obstructs or impedes the ports authority or any of its employees or its agents or contractors while in the discharge of his duties incites any other person so to assault, resist, obstruct or impede;
(d) without lawful cause discharges any gun except for the purpose of marking a signal of distress or for such other purpose as is allowed under any written law:
(e) smokes any vessel or boils or heats any pitch, tar, resin, dammar, turpentine oil or other such combustible matter on board any vessel, or carries out any under-water operations, or performs such acts, at any time or within any limits at or within which such act is prohibited by any order of the ports authority, or contrary to the orders or directions of such authority;
(f) uses a naked light when drawing off spirits, turpentine oil, or other inflammable oils or liquids of any kind on board any vessel;
(g) pollutes the water of the harbour by the overflow or discharge of oil or any other impurity; or
(h) immobilises a vessel without the prior written permission, of the forts authority,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction by a Magistrate to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred rupees or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.

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