Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 89


89. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires— " beacon " means any light, mark or sign used as an aid to navigation, other than a lighthouse or buoy ; " buoy" includes any floating light, mark or sign used as an aid to navigation, other than a lighthouse; " charges " include charges, rates, fees and dues of every description which the Ports Authority is, for the time being authorised to demand, take and recover and " charge " shall be construed accordingly ; " dangerous goods" include aquafortis, vitriol, naptha, benzine, gunpowder, lucifer matches, nitroglyce rine, petroleum, carbide of calcium and any explosive within the meaning of the Explosives Act; " goods " include animals, carcases, baggage and any other movable property of any kind whatsoever; " land " includes land covered by water and any interest in land; "local authority" means any Municipal Council, Urban Council, Town Council or Village Council and includes any Authority created and established by or under any law to exercise, perform and discharge powers, duties and functions corresponding to or similar to the powers, duties and functions exercised, performed and discharged by any such Council; "master" includes every person, except a pilot having for the time being the command, charge or control of any vessel; "owner" when used in relation to goods, includes any consignor, consignee, shipper or agent of the owner for the sale, custody, loading, handling, discharge or delivery of such goods; and when used in relation to any vessel, includes any part-owner, charterer or operator thereof or any duly authorised agent of any such person; "Port (Cargo) Corporation" means the Port (Cargo) Corporation established by the Port (Cargo) Corporation Act, No. 13 of 1958 ; "Port Commissioner" means the Port Commissioner appointed under the Port of Colombo (Administration) Act and includes any officer acting under the authority in writing of such Port Commissioner; " port premises " means the landing places and all other works and land at any time vested in, belonging to or administered by the Ports Authority; " Port Tally and Protective Services Corporation " means the Port Tally and Protective Services Corporation established by the Port Tally and Protective Services Corporation Act, No. 10 of 1967 ; " stevedoring " means the operations connected with the loading, discharging, shipping, transhipping and storage of cargo in the holds of, or on board, any vessels; " tallying and protecting services " means tally and watchmen and other protective services performed by persons employed on board a ship or ashore in the interest of the owner, agent or master of the ship and includes receipt keepers, assistant receipt keepers, supervisors, plan clerks and pier clerks ; "transit shed" includes all buildings, yards and other places owned or occupied by the Ports Authority and appropriated by the Authority for the landing and shipping of goods and any foreshore so owned or occupied and used for such purposes, but shall not include any portion of the foreshore or other places not so owned or occupied ; " vessel" includes any ship or boat or any other description of vessel used in navigation; and "wharf" includes a quay, pier, jetty or other landing place.

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