Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Railways Authority Act (No. 60 of 1993) - Sect 16

Transfer to the Railway Authority of all property of the Railways Department

(1) All property, movable and immovable vested in the State and used for the purposes of the Railways Department on the day preceding the appointed date (including all installations, plant, machinery and equipment installed or maintained by the Railways Department and all things of whatever description used by the Railways Department for the provision of rail services and moneys lying to the credit of the Railways' Department on the day preceding the appointed date out of sums appropriated by Parliament for the use of the Railways Department)., shall vest in the Railways Authority with effect from the appointed date.
(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (5) all con tracts entered into, by or with, the General Manager of Railways for or on behalf of the State and subsisting on the day preceding the appointed date, shall be deemed, with effect from the appointed date to be contracts entered into by, or with, the Railways Authority and may be enforced accordingly.
(3) All actions and proceedings instituted, by or against, the General Manager of Railways or the Attorney-General as representing the General Manager of Railways and pending on the day preceding the appointed date, shall, with effect from the appointed date, be deemed to be actions and proceedings instituted by, or against, the Railways Authority and may be continued and completed accordingly.
(4) All decrees and awards entered or made by any court or tribunal in any action or proceeding instituted by or against the General Manager of Railways or the Attorney- General as representing the General Manager of Railways and remaining unsatisfied on the day preceding the appoint ed date, shall be deemed, with effect from the appointed date, to be decrees or awards entered or made, for or against the Railways Authority and may be enforced accordingly.
(5) All liabilities incurred by the General Manager of Railways for and on behalf of the State and subsisting on. the day preceding the appointed date (other than such liabilities as have been incurred under any agreement entered into by the General Manager of Railways for and on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka with any foreign Government or foreign Organization and subsisting on the appointed date) shall be deemed to be the liabilities of the Railways Authority with effect from the appointed date.
(6) Every power, duty and function conferred or imposed on, or assigned to, the General Manager of Railways by any written law (other than the Railways Ordinance) shall, with effect from the appointed date, be exercised, performed and discharged by the Railways Authority and any act required by such other written law, to be done in relation to the General Manager of Railways shall, with effect from the appointed date, be done in relation to the Railways Authority and accordingly, every reference in such other written law to "General Manager of Railways" shall be deemed, with effect from the appointed date, to be a reference to " the Sri Lanka Railways Authority ".

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