Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Railways Authority Act (No. 60 of 1993) - Sect 26

Appropriation of act surplus revenue of the Railways Authority

26. The net surplus for any year, if any, out of the revenue of the Railways Authority after defraying the charges referred to in section 25, may be appropriated by the Board fur any or all of the following purposes, with the approval or the Minister given with the concurrence of the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance :
(a) writing off the preliminary expenses incurred in the establishment of the Railways Authority ;
(b) writing off any accumulated losses brought forward;
(c) writing off any unproductive expenditure not properly chargeable to revenue ;
(d) transfers to the insurance reserve which the Board is hereby authorized to establish and maintain;
(e) transfers to the assets replacement reserve which the Board is hereby authorized to establish and maintain ;
(f) transfers to the loan redemption reserve which the Board is hereby authorized to establish and maintain;
(g) transfers to any development reserve which the Board is hereby authorized to establish and maintain;
(h) payment of interest and other charges on, (including redemption of) issued and outstanding Railways Authority stock.

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