Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Railways Authority Act (No. 60 of 1993) - Sect 30

Annual Report

(1) The Board shall, on receipt of the Auditor-General's report in respect of any year, cause a copy of each of the following documents relating to that year to be transmitted to the Minister:
(a) the Auditor-General's report ;
(b) the audited balance sheet;
(c) the audited operating and profit and loss accounts;
(d) the cash flow statement;
(e) the statement of accounts and statistics prepared under section 28; and
(f) the report of the Chairman of the Board giving an account of the work of the Railways Authority.
(2) The Minister shall lay copies of the documents transmitted to him under subsection (1) before Parliament prior to the end of the year next following the year to which such report and accounts relate.
(3) The Board shall cause copies of the reports and statements referred to in subsection (2) to be printed at the expense of the Railways Authority and to be made available for purchase by the public at such price as shall be deter mined by such Board

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