Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Railways Authority Act (No. 60 of 1993) - Sect 5

Other functions of the Railways Authority

5. Without prejudice to the generality of section 4, the other functions of the Railways Authority shall be to
(a) provide services for the carriage of goods and persons by rail, at prices which will ensure the amortization of the investment of the Railways Authority ; in the provision of such services and an appropriate return on the capital invested by the Railways Authority in the provision of such services;
(b) promote the national objective that goods and persons should be carried in the mode that is most advantageous to the nation by following a proper pricing policy;
(c) promote road rail co-ordination and portrait co-ordination where such co-ordination is deemed necessary in the national interest;
(d) manage efficiently all immovable property vested in the Railways Authority and to handover to the Government, any such property which is not required for the discharge of its functions.

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