Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Tea Board (Amendment) Act (No. 29 of 2003) - Sect 3

Amendment of section 6 of the principal enactment

3.Section 6 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows-
(1) by the repeal of subsection (1) of that section and the substitution therefor, of the following subsection :-
"(1) The Board shall consist of-
(a) a person appointed by the Minister, who shall be the Chairman (hereinafter referred to as "the Chairman");
(b) the following nominated members appointed by the Minister, namely :
(i) a representative of the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance, nominated by that Minister;
(ii) a representative of the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Trade, nominated by that Minister ;
(iii) two Representatives of the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Plantation Industries, nominated by that Minister ;
(iv) a representative of the Tea Small Holding Development Authority, nominated by that Authority ;
(v) a representative of the Private Tea Factory Owners' Association, nominated by that Association in consultation with the Tea Association of Sri Lanka (TASL);
(vi) a representative of the Planters' Association of Ceylon established by the Planters' Association of Ceylon Ordinance (Chapter 291), nominated by that Association in consultation with the Tea Association of Sri Lanka (TASL);
(vii) a representative of the Sri Lanka Federation of Tea Small Holdings Development Societies, nominated by that Federation in consultation with the Tea Association of Sri Lanka (TASL);
(viii) a representative of the Tea Exporters' Association, nominated by that Association in consultation with the Tea Association of Sri Lanka (TASL);
(ix) a representative of the Colombo Tea Traders' Association, nominated by that Association in consultation with the Tea Association of Sri Lanka(TASL);
(x) a representative of the Colombo Brokers' Association, nominated by that Association in consultation with the Tea Association of Sri Lanka (TASL);
(xi) two members representing Trade Unions, which shall be selected on such criteria as may be determined by the Minister in charge of the subject of Plantation Industries.
(2)by the repeal of subsection (3) of that section and the substitution therefor, of the following subsection ;
"(3) The Chairman and the nominated members of the Board shall hold office for a term of five years, hut shall be eligible for re-nomination.";
(3)in subsection (4) of that section, by the omission of the words "with the concurrence of the Prime Minister";
(4)in subsection (5) of that section, by the omission of the words "with the concurrence of the Prime Minister"; and
(5)in subsection (6) of that section, by the omission of the words "with the concurrence of the Prime Minister.".

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