Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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State Printing Corporation Act (No. 24 of 1968) - Sect 7

Board of Directors

(1) The Corporation shall have a Board of Directors consisting of five members, three of whom shall be appointed by the Minister and two of whom shall be appointed by the Minister in charge of education.
(2) A person shall be disqualified for being appointed or continuing as a Director-
(a) if he is a Senator or a Member of Parliament ; or
(b) if he, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any person on his behalf or for his use or benefit, holds or enjoys any right or benefit under any contract made by or on behalf of the Corporation ; or
(c) if he has any such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially the discharge by him of his functions as a Director.
(3) Where a Director is, by reason of illness or other infirmity or absence from Ceylon, temporarily unable to perform the duties of his office, the appropriate Minister may appoint any person to act in his place.
(4) The appropriate Minister may, without assigning a reason, remove any Director from office. The removal of any Director from office by the appropriate Minister shall not be called in question in any court.
(5) A Director may resign the office of Director by letter addressed to the appropriate Minister.
(6) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4) and sub-section (5) the term of office of a Director shall be three years :
Provided that a Director appointed in place of a Director who dies or resigns or otherwise vacates office shall, unless he earlier resigns or otherwise vacates office, hold office for the unexpired part of the term of office of the Director whom he succeeds. (7) In this section, " appropriate Minister " means the Minister by whom the Director concerned was appointed.

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