Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism Act (No. 70 of 1988) - Sect 8

Jurisdiction for offences committed outside Sri Lanka

(1) If a person who is a national of a convention country but not a citizen of Sri Lanka, does outside Sri Lanka and that convention country, any act which makes him guilty of an offence in that convention country and which, had he been a citizen of Sri Lanka, would have made him guilty of an offence specified in the First Schedule to this Act, he shall be guilty of the offences aforesaid, of which the act would have made him guilty, if he had been such a citizen of Sri Lanka.
(2) If a citizen of Sri Lanka does outside Sri Lanka or any convention country any act which, if such act had been committed in Sri Lanka, would have made him guilty of an offence specified in the First Schedule to this Act, he shall he guilty of an offence aforesaid of which the act would hove made him guilty had it been committed in Sri Lanka. In this section "convention country" means any State referred to in the Second Schedule to this Act.

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