Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sir Razik Fareed Foundation (Incorporation) Act (No. 44 of 1982) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be
(a) to foster and encourage the teaching of Arabic among Sri Lankan Muslims;
(b) to construct and maintain a building to be used for weddings and other functions and utilize the income there from for the relief of poverty ;
(c) to foster and promote education by, founding scholar ships;
(d) to foster, promote and encourage the study of Islamic culture, religion and Dahwa;
(e) to foster, promote and encourage inter-communal amity.
(f) to grant medical relief and assistance to the needy;
(g) to celebrate the birth anniversary of Sir Razik fareed on the 29th December each year highlighting his life and work in the form of birth anniversary lectures;
(h) to foster, promote and encourage the study of the history, customs, traditions and habits of the Sri Lankan Moors;
(i) to establish welfare facilities for the deaf ,dumb and blind Muslims and a home for Muslim elders.

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