Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Saumyamoothi Thondaman Memorial Foundation Act (No. 19 of 2005) - Sect 10

Fund of the Foundation

(1) There shall be established a Fund called "The Saumyamoorthi Thondaman Memorial Foundation Fund", (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Fund")-
(2) A sum of rupees two hundred and seventy two million, provided out of the Consolidated Fund of Sri Lanka, already expended for the construction of the Thondaman Cultural Centre at Ramboda, Thondaman Sports Complex at Norwood and Thondaman Vocational Training Centre at Hatton, shall be the initial capital of the foundation.
(3) There shall be paid into the Fund -
(a) all such sums of money as may be received by the Foundation in the exercise, performance and discharge and of its powers, duties and functions under this Act;
(b) all such sums of money as may be received by the foundation, by way of donations, gifts or grants, from any source whether in Sri Lanka or abroad ;
(c) any income, derived from the levy of fees for any services or facilities provided by the Foundation ;
(d) any income derived from the levy of charges for the public viewing and the use of the Thondaman Cultural Centre at Ramboda, Thondaman Sports Complex at Norwood and-Thondaman Vocational Training Centre at Hatton or any part thereof; and
(e) any income, investments or other receipts due to the Foundation.
(4) There shall be paid out of the Fund all such sums of money as are required to defray any expenditure incurred by the Board in the exercise and discharge of its powers and functions under this Act.

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