Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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School Teachers Pension (Amendment) Act (No. 34 of 1964) - Sect 6

Provisions relating to teachers whose names have been or are inadvertently omitted from the Register of Pensionable Teachers. [ 5, 23 of 1957.]

(1) Where the name of a teacher who has retired before the coming into operation of Act No. 23 of 1957 or retires thereafter is not in the Register of Pensionable Teachers, then, if prior to his retirement he was entitled to have his name entered in such register, his name may be entered in such register as from the date he was entitled to have his name so entered in such register, and accordingly a pension may be granted to Mm with effect from the date of his retirement and such contributions as he would have been liable to make in respect of his pension if his name had been in such register shall be deducted from his pension in such manner as may be determined by the Derected of Education and shall be paid be paid to the Consolidated Fund.
(2) In subsection (1) "Register of Pensionable Teachers" means the Register of Pensionanable Teachers maintained by the Director of Education under the regulations relating to the pensions of teachers and made or deemed to have been made under the pricipal Act.

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