Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Universities (Amendment) Act (No. 33 of 1988) - Sect 2

Amendment of Act No.16 of 1978

2,Section 70c of the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, is hereby amended by the addition at the end of that section, of the following subsections:
" (3) The Minister may issue to a Degree Awarding Institute a special direction to the effect that every student of such Degree Awarding Institute (whether admitted before or after the date of such direction) shall be eligible to sit only for the examinations conducted and held by that Degree Awarding, Institute in such branches of learning as are specified in the Order made under section 25A recognising such Degree Awarding Institute.
(4)A special direction issued to a Degree Awarding Institute under subsection (3) shall be final and conclusive in regard to the question of such eligibility and shall not be called in question in any court of law.
(5)A special direction issued to a Degree Awarding Institute under subsection (3) shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any agreement or settlement reached in any action, between
(a) such Degree Awarding Institute or its management and the students of such Degree Awarding Institute ;
(b) such Degree Awarding Institute or its management and any Higher Educational Institution ; or
(c) the students of such Degree Awarding Institute and any Higher Educational Institution.".

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