14. The objects of the Authority shall be to : -
(a) plan and implement development projects within
any designated area to improve productivity, foster
economic, social, cultural and environmental
development and generate income and employment
opportunities ;
(b) carry out detailed studies of the projects identified
in the overall development plan for the designated
area, on a priority basis ;
(c) identify groups of people handicapped due to
historical, social and other factors and prepare
proposals, raise funds and execute projects to uplift
their social and economic conditions ; |
(d) extend special attention to the preservation of the
city of Kandy, its heritage, cultural institutions,
environment and infrastructure in consideration of
its historical significance, cultural and economic
importance to the entire nation ;
(e) secure the co-operation of government departments,
state institutions, local authorities, public
corporations, provincial authorities and other
persons natural or legal whether private or public,
in carrying out studies referred to in paragraph (b)
and in the implementation of development projects
within any designated area ; and
(f) secure the participation of foreign and local private
sector agencies, in carrying out detailed studies
referred to in paragraph (b) and the implementation
of development projects within any designated area.