Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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University Of Ceylon Act (No. 1 of 1972) - Sect 13


(1) For the purpose of ascertaining the financial needs of a Campus and its Faculties, its standards of teaching, examination and research or any other matter relating to the working of the Faculty, the Board of Governors may, after consultation with the Campus Board, at the request of any University body or otherwise cause an inquiry into any Department or Departments thereof to be made by a committee of persons appointed for the purpose on a resolution by the Board, by order under the hand of the Vice-Chancellor with a direction to report by a specified date on such cause or matter in respect of the Department or Departments of the Campus or Faculty as may be specified therein.
(2) Such committee shall have the power to examine any documents, records, equipment, buildings or witnesses as it may deem necessary for the purposes of the inquiry and the officers, teachers, employees or other persons shall attend and give evidence and furnish any records or information as such committee may deem necessary for the purposes of the inquiry.
(3) The Board of Governors shall communicate to the Campus Board concerned its view pertaining to the results of any such inquiry and may, after ascertaining the views of the Campus Board in respect of the same, determine what action is considered appropriate.

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