Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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University Of Ceylon Act (No. 1 of 1972) - Sect 52

Treasurer to keep accounts

52. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the University-
(a) to keep the accounts of the University in such form and manner as the Board of Governors shall from time to time direct;
(b) to receive all moneys paid into the University Fund and credit such moneys to the proper heads of accounts;
(c) to make all authorized payments;
(d) to prepare, in consultation with the Registrar, for the consideration of the Board of Governors, such triennial estimates as are required by the Board of Governors, the annual financial appropriations for the ensuing financial year and any supplementary estimates under section 58:
Provided, however, that income derived from grants made for specific purposes, or from endowments for specific objects, shall be separately accounted for in the accounts of the University, and no payments shall be made from such income for the general purposes of the University or for any purposes or objects other than those for which such grants or endowments were respectively made.

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