Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Welfare Benefits Act (No. 24 of 2002) - Sect 4

Composition of the Board

(1) The Board shall consist of-
(a) the Commissioner of Welfare Benefits, appointed under paragraph (a) of section 2, who shall be the Chairman; and
(b) the four members appointed by the Minister in terms of paragraph (b) of section 2.
(2) The Minister shall, in consultation with the Constitutional Council appoint the Chairman and the members of the Board. In appointing the Chairman and the four members under subsection (1), the Minister and the Constitutional Council shall agree on the criteria to be used in the selection of such persons.
(3) The Commissioner shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Board and he shall be responsible for the implementation of all decisions of the Board and for the exercise and discharge of any power or function delegated to him by the Board or which is conferred on or assigned to him by or under this law.

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