Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Water Resources Board (Amendment) Act (No. 42 of 1999) - Sect 2

Replacement of Section 12 of Act, No. 29 of 1964

2. Section 12 of the Water Resources Board Act, No. 29 of 1964 (hereinafter referred to as the "principal enactment") is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor :-
(1) It shaIl be the duty of the Board to advise the Minister on the following matters, and on any other matter that is referred to the Board for advice by the Minister :-
(a) the control, regulation and development (including the conservation and utilization), of the water resources of the country;
(b) the prevention of the pollution of rivers, streams and other water resources;
(c) the formulation of national policies relating to the control and use of the water resources of the country, with the following objectives in view :-
(d) the preparation of comprehensive and integrated plans for the conservation, utilization, control and development of the groundwater resources of the country;
(e) the co-ordination of the activities of government departments, local authorities and public corporations, in regard to surveys of basic data and other investigations, rclati ng to hydrogeology;
(f) the analysis of reports based on investigations, statistical surveys, plans and proposals relating to the ground water resources of the country made by government departments, local authorities and public corporations;
(g) the co-ordination of projects undertaken by government departments, local authorities and public corporations, relating to the conservation, utilization and development of the subterranean water resources of the country, and the assessment of the possibilities, benefits and economic feasibility of such projects;
(h) any other suitable measures to be taken by the Government for the proper control and economic use of groundwater.
(2) The Board may undertake such investigations and surveys as would enable it to collect the data and information necessary to advise the Minister on the matters specified in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The Board may carry out such other activities, for payment or otherwise, as would enable it to effectually perform its duties under subsection (1) of this section. The activitics which the Board may carry out shall include the following :-
(a) carrying out of feasibility studies on the availability of ground water rcsources ;
(b) carrying out of hydrogeological invcstigations to identi fy ground water sites for deep tube wells and agro wells;
(c) the construction of tube wells in a scientific manner to enable the extraction of groundwater for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes;
(d) the drilling of bore holes to investigate the sub surface strata.".

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