Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Young Men's Muslim Association, Maligawatta, Colombo, Law (No. 30 of 1974) - Sect 13

Section - 13

Article 1: Membership.There shall be three classes of membership of the Association, namely-
(i) Honorary
(ii) Ordinary
(iii) Associate.
All members irrespective of their category of membership shall be entitled to all available privileges. The right of vote and office shall, however be confined to the ordinary members only.Article 3: Applications for Membership.Every application for membership shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be proposed and seconded by two ordinary members of the Association. Such application should reach the Honorary General Secretary together with an admission fee of Rs. 1 and a month's subscription in advance.Article 4: Subscriptions.Ordinary and Associate members shall pay a subscription of fifty cents per month. Members are at liberty to subscribe more than the stipulated amount of fifty cents per month.Article 5: Arrears of Subscriptions.The Board of Governors shall from time to time call for a list of members who are in arrear of subscriptions for more than three months. Action shall thereafter be taken either to recover the arrears or to discontinue membership. Re-admission of any such member shall be subject to the payment of all arrears, provided however, that the Board of Governors shall be empowered to waive the full amount or a part thereof under special circumstances.Article 6: Suspension of Members.Any member whose conduct after investigation by the President and the Honorary General Secretary is found to be detrimental to the interest of the Association shall be reported to the Board of Governors for suspension or expulsion. The decision of the Board of Governors shall be final.

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