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The Mediation Act, 2004 (Bill No. 31)

A BILL introduced by the Honourable Tonio Borg, M.P., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, and read the First time at the Sitting of the

26th July, 2004.

AN ACT to encourage and facilitate the settlement of disputes in Malta through mediation, to establish a Malta Mediation Centre as a centre for domestic and international mediation, and to make provisions regulating the conduct of the mediation process.

Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati


Clerk of the House of Representatives

C 703



ATT biex jinkora;;ixxi u jiffaçilita r-risolviment ta’ tilwimiet f’Malta permezz tal-medjazzjoni, biex jistabbilixxi ?entru tal- Medjazzjoni g[al Malta b[ala çentru g[all-medjazzjoni domestika u internazzjonali, u biex jag[mel provvedimenti li jkunu jirregolaw kif g[andu jimxi l-proçess ta’ medjazzjoni.

IL-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità ta’ l-istess, [are; b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
TAQSIMA I Preliminari
1. It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2004 dwar il- Medjazzjoni.
2. F’dan l-Att, kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie;
xort’o[ra -
“il-Bord” tfisser il-Bord tal-Gvernaturi taç-?entru mwaqqaf bl-artikolu 6<
“iç-?entru” tfisser iç-?entru tal-Medjazzjoni g[al Malta mwaqqaf bl- artikolu 3<
chairman” tfisser il-president tal-Bord<

Titolu fil-qosor.


C 704
“medjatur” tfisser persuna newtrali, kwalifikata u imparzjali li tmexxi medjazzjoni<
“medjazzjoni” tfisser proçess li bih medjatur jiffaçilita t- trattattivi bejn il-partijiet sabiex jg[inhom jaslu g[al kunsens volontarju bejniethom dwar it-tilwima li jkollhom<
“medjazzjoni domestika” tfisser medjazzjoni ta’ xorta çivili, familjari, soçjali, kummerçjali u industrijali<
“il-Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-;ustizzja<
“ordnat” tfisser ordnat b’regolamenti mag[mula ta[t dan l-
“il-parti fil-medjazzjoni” tfisser min jipparteçipa f’medjazzjoni u jkun me[tie; il-kunsens tieg[u biex jirrisolvi t- tilwima<
“perjodu finanzjarju” tfisser perjodu ta’ [ames snin li jibda g[addej fl-ewwel ta’ Jannar ta’ xi sena partikolari u jtemm fil- wie[ed u tletin ta’ Diçembru tal-[ames sena li ti;i wara>
I]da l-ewwel perjodu finanzjarju taç-?entru jkun il-perjodu li jibda g[addej mad-d[ul fis-se[[ tat-Taqsima III ta’ dan l-Att u jtemm fil-wie[ed u tletin ta’ Diçembru tas-sena li ta[bat minnufih wara s-sena meta tkun da[let fis-se[[ dik it-Taqsima III<
“proçedimenti” tfisser proçeduri ;udizzjarji, amministrattivi, ta’ arbitra;; jew o[rajn ta’ a;;udikazzjoni<
“ir-re;istratur” tfisser ir-re;istratur tal-Bord kif imfisser ta[t l-artikolu 13.

Twaqqif taç-?entru.

Twaqqif u Funzjonijiet taç-?entru
3. (1) Jitwaqqaf ?entru li jkun mag[ruf b[ala ç-?entru tal- Medjazzjoni g[al Malta, li jkollu l-g[an u l-funzjonijiet tieg[u assenjati lilu b’dan l-Att.
(2) Iç-?entru jkun korp mag[qud li jkollu personalità
;uridika distinta u li jista’, konformement mal-funzjonijiet li jkollu>
(a) jag[mel kuntratti, jakkwista, ikollu fil-pussess tieg[u jew jiddisponi minn proprjetà reali u personali<
(b) i[arrek u ji;i m[arrek< u
(ç) jag[mel dak kollu li jkun inçidentali jew li jirri]ulta fit- twettiq tal-funzjonijiet tieg[u.
4. Iç-?entru g[andu jipprovdi forum fejn jistg[u jmorru, jew jintbag[tu, il-partijiet fil-medjazzjoni sabiex jirrisolvu t-tilwima li jkollhom billi jkollhom l-g[ajnuna ta’ medjatur.
5. Il-funzjonijiet taç-?entru jkunu>
(a) li jippromwovi l-medjazzjoni domestika u internazzjonali b[ala mezz ta’ risolviment ta’ tilwimiet<
(b) li jipprovdi dwar kif g[andha titmexxa l-medjazzjoni domestika u dik internazzjonali<
(ç) li jipprovdi l-façilitajiet me[tie;a biex tkun tista’ ssir il- medjazzjoni<
(d) li jistabbilixxi l-kriterji g[all-[atra ta’ medjaturi <
(e) li jifforma elenku ta’ medjaturi biex jassistu fil- medjazzjoni domestika u dik internazzjonali<
(f) li japprova lill-medjaturi nominati<
(;) li j]omm re;istri u records tal-medjaturi nominati<
([) li jne[[i medjaturi mill-elenku fiç-çirkostanzi mni]]la ta[t l-artikolu 11<
(i) li jipprovdi l-pro/eduri li jaddotta hu nnifsu biex jimmani;;a t-tilwimiet<
(j) li jipprovdi kodiçi ta’ etika li l-medjaturi g[andhom isegwu matul il-proçedimenti ta’ medjazzjoni<
(k) li jistabbilixxi t-tariffa ta’ drittijiet li g[andhom jit[allsu g[as-servizzi provduti miç-?entru<
(l) li jiffaçilita d[ul a[jar g[all-proçedura ta’ medjazzjoni billi jippubblika informazzjoni, linji direttivi u dokumentazzjoni simili<
(m) li jifformola u jippubblika rapport ta’ kull sena fuq il- progress taç-?entru<
C 705

G[an taç-?entru.

Funzjonijiet taç-


C 706

Twaqqif ta’ Bord.

G[amla tal-Bord.

Kemm iddum il- kariga.

Ri]enja mill-kariga.

Karigi konkorrenti.

Tne[[ija mill- kariga.

(n) li jag[ti pariri jew jag[mel rakkomandazzjonijiet lill- Ministru fuq affarijiet li, fil-fehma tal-Bord, il-Ministru jkun je[tie;<
(o) li jwettaq dawk il-funzjonijiet l-o[ra li ji;u assenjati liç-
?entru b’dan l-Att jew b’kull li;i o[ra<
(p) li jwettaq kull funzjoni o[ra supplementari jew ançillari g[al dak kollu hawn qabel imsemmi.
6. Ikun hemm Bord li jkun responsabbli g[all-policy u l- amministrazzjoni ;enerali ta’ l-affarijiet u x-xog[ol taç-?entru.
7. (1) Il-Bord ikun mag[mul minn mhux inqas minn tliet membri u mhux i]jed minn [amsa.
(2) Il-Bord g[andu jin[atar mill-Ministru. (3) Il-Bord ikollu b[ala membri tieg[u>

(a) chairman li jkun avukat li e]erçita l-professjoni matul it-tnax-il sena ta’ qabel<

(b) viçi chairman li jkun ukoll avukat li e]erçita l-professjoni matul it-tnax-il sena ta’ qabel u li jippresjedi meta ç-chairman ikun assenti, sakemm ji;i ma[tur chairman ;did, jew meta jmut iç- chairman<
(ç) membri li jkunu jafu u jkollhom esperjenza fir- risolviment ta’ tilwimiet, affarijiet kummerjali, jew li, fil-fehma tal-Ministru, ikunu kwalifikati sabiex iwettqu d-dmirijiet ta’ membru.
8. (1) Il-membri tal-Bord g[andhom jibqg[u fil-kariga g[al perjodu ta’ erba’ snin.
(2) Membru tal-Bord ikun jista’ jin[atar mill-;did.
9. Membru tal-Bord jista’ jirri]enja mill-kariga permezz ta’ ittra ffirmata minnu li tintbag[at lill-Ministru.
10. Membru tal-Bord jista’ jkollu dik il-kariga konkorrentement ma’ kull kariga o[ra.
11. (1) Persuna ma jistax ikollha l-kariga, jew membru g[andu jitne[[a mill-kariga, g[al kull wa[da mir-ra;unijiet fis-subartikolu (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu.
(2) Membru jkun skwalifikat jekk> (a) ikun legalment inkapaçitat<
(b) ikun ;ie dikjarat fallut<
(ç) ikun insab [ati ta’ reat kriminali li jolqot il-fiduçja pubblika, serq jew frodi<
(d) ikollu xi interess finanzjarju jew interess ie[or f’xi intrapri]a jew attività li x’aktarx tolqot it-twettiq tal-funzjonijiet tieg[u b[ala membru tal-Bord< jew
(e) fuq rakkomandazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni g[all- Amministrazzjoni tal-:ustizzja mwaqqfa ta[t l-artikolu 101A tal- Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta, li ting[ata lill-Ministru>
(i) ma jkunx aktar idoneu biex jibqa’ fil-kariga b[ala membru, jew
(ii) ikun inkapaçi milli jwettaq dmirijietu sew b[ala membru tal-Bord.
12. Il-kariga ta’ membru ssir vakanti meta> (a) il-membru jmut<
(b) jiskadi l-perjodu ta’ kariga tal-membru<
(ç) il-membru jirri]enja kif speçifikat ta[t l-artikolu 9< jew
(d) il-membru jkun skwalifikat kif speçifikat ta[t is- subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 11.
13. (1) Iç-?entru g[andu jkollu re;istratur, li jkun ukoll is- segretarju tal-Bord.
(2) Ir-re;istratur jin[atar mill-Bord ta[t dawk it-termini u l-kondizzjonijiet li l-Bord jista’ jqis li jkunu adatti.
(3) Ir-rappre]entazzjoni ;uridika taç-?entru tkun vestita fir- re;istratur, jew f’kull persuna o[ra li tkun hekk awtorizzata mill-Bord.
(4) Ir-re;istratur g[andu jwettaq dawk il-funzjonijiet li jistg[u jing[atawlu bil-miktub mill-Bord minn ]mien g[al ]mien, inklu] id-dmir li jag[ti ;uramenti ta’ kariga lill-medjaturi skond ma jistg[u jkunu me[tie;a li jie[du, jew lil kull persuna o[ra involuta fil- proçedimenti ta’ medjazzjoni.
C 707

Kariga vakanti.


C 708

Estimi taç-?entru.

Id-d[ul li ç-?entru jag[mel.

Kontribuzzjonijiet li l-Gvern jag[mel.

14. (1) Iç-?entru g[andu jara li ji;u m[ejjija f’kull perjodu finanzjarju, u g[andu mhux i]jed tard minn sitt xhur qabel tmiem kull perjodu finanzjarju jadotta, estimi tal-qlig[ u l-infieq taç-?entru g[all- perjodu finanzjarju li ja[bat minnufih wara.
(2) L-estimi g[andhom ji;u abbozzati fil-format preskritt, u g[andu jkun fihom dik l-informazzjoni u dawk il-paraguni ma’ perjodi finanzjarji ta’ qabel skond ma l-Ministru jista’ jordna.
(3) L-estimi g[andhom iqisu l-kontribuzzjonijiet li jsiru mill-gvern, jekk ikun il-ka], lejn kull d[ul li jag[mel iç-?entru skond ma l-Ministru jista’ jindika liç-?entru li jkun se jirrakkomanda lill- Kamra tar-Rappre]entanti g[as-sena finanzjarja li tkun qeg[da ti;i kkunsidrata, skond l-artikolu 16.
(4) Kopja ta’ l-estimi taç-?entru g[andha tintbag[at, meta dawn ji;u adottati miç-?entru, mill-Bord lill-Ministru.
15. (1) Kull d[ul taç-?entru g[andu jkun jikkonsisti fid- drittijiet li jit[allsu g[al servizzi provduti minnu ta[t dan l-Att jew minn kull kontribuzzjoni o[ra li l-gvern jista’ jag[mel skond l-artikolu 16.
(2) Il-Ministru jista’, wara konsultazzjoni maç-?entru, jordna xi jkunu d-drittijiet li g[andhom jit[allsu miç-?entru g[al servizzi, façilitajiet jew kull [a;a o[ra li ç-?entru jipprovdi skond dan l-Att jew konformement ma’ l-e]erçizzju tal-funzjonijiet tieg[u ta[t dan l-Att.
16. (1) Il-Ministru jista’, wara konsultazzjoni maç-?entru, kull persuna jew awtorità o[rajn, u bi ftehim mal-Ministru responsabbli g[al finanzi, jindika bil-miktub liç-?entru l-ammont ta’ kontribuzzjoni tal- gvern li g[andha ssir g[aç-?entru, u dak l-ammont g[andu jkun inklu] fl-estimi taç-?entru g[all-perjodu finanzjarju li jmiss.
(2) L-indikazzjoni li ssir mill-Ministru ta[t is-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andha tkun mehmu]a ma’ l-estimi taç-?entru li g[andu jintbag[at lill-Ministru.
(3) Meta l-estimi ji;u approvati bl-emendi jew ming[ajrhom kif provdut f’dan l-Att, is-somma approvata fl-estimi b[ala l- kontribuzzjoni tal-gvern g[andha tit[allas liç-?entru mill-Fond Konsolidat ming[ajr ebda awtorità o[ra [lief dan l-Att.
(4) Kull d[ul ]ejjed fuq in-nefqa taç-?entru g[andu, bla [sara g[al dawk l-ordnijiet li l-Ministru jista’ minn ]mien g[al ]mien jag[ti wara konsultazzjoni mal-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi, ji;i applikat miç-?entru g[all-formazzjoni ta’ fondi ta’ riserva li g[andhom jintu]aw g[all-g[anijiet taç-?entru.
(5) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità tas-setg[at mog[tija lill-Ministru bis-subartikolu (5) ta’ dan ir-regolament, kull ordni mog[tija mill-Ministru kif hawn qabel imsemmi tista’ tordna t- trasferiment lill-Gvern, jew l-applikazzjoni b’kull tali mod kif jista’ ji;i speçifikat fl-ordni, ta’ kull d[ul b[al dak.
TAQSIMA IV Proçess ta’ medjazzjoni
17. Il-proçedimenti ta’ medjazzjoni jistg[u ji;u u]ati mill-partijiet fil-medjazzjoni>
(a) volontarjament< jew
(b) wara li jing[ata digriet jew ordni minn korp ta’
(ç) skond il-li;i.
18. (1) Il-partijiet fi proçediment jistg[u, b’nota li jag[mlu flimkien, jitolbu lill-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni jissospendi il-proçedimenti filwaqt li l-partijiet jippruvaw jaslu g[al risolviment tat-tilwima quddiem medjatur.
(2) Il-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni g[andu –
(a) fuq talba li ssir ta[t is-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan ir- regolament< jew
(b) fuq inizjattiva tieg[u stess, u meta jqis li jkun hekk adatt li t-tilwima tista’ ti;i risolta bl-assistenza ta’ medjatur,
(ç) jordna li l-proçedimenti jistg[u ji;u sospi]i g[al kemm idum il-proçess.
(3) Il-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni jista’ jistabbilixxi g[al kemm
]mien ikun se jdum il-perjodu ta’ a;;udikazzjoni u jestendi dak il- perjodu sa dik id-data, jew g[al dawk il-perjodi speçifikati, li jista’ jqis li jkunu adatti.
C 709

Meta jsir u]u minn proçedimenti ta’ medjazzjoni.

Korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni jissospendi l- proçedimenti.

C 710

Elenku ta’


G[a]la ta’ medjatur.

Medjatur g[andu ji]vela kull interess konfli;;enti.

Riku]a ta’ medjatur.

(4) Meta l-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni jissospendi l- proçedimenti ta[t din ir-regola, il-partijiet g[andhom jg[arrfu lill-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni jekk sadanittant ikun intla[aq risolviment.
(5) Jekk il-partijiet ma jg[arrfux lill-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni sa tmiem il-perjodu ta’ sospensjoni li jkun intla[aq risolviment, il-korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni g[andu jag[ti dawk l-ordnijiet dwar kif g[andu jitmexxa l-ka] skond ma l-korp iqis li jkun adatt.
19. (1) Skond id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subparagrafu (e) ta’ l- artikolu 5, iç-?entru g[andu jifforma elenku ta’ medjaturi li jassistu fil-medjazzjoni domestika u dik internazzjonali.
(2) Elenku jkun mag[mul minn persuni li fil-fehma taç-
?entru jkunu kwalifikati biex iwettqu d-dmirijiet u l-funzjonijiet ta’
medjatur f’xi qasam tekniku partikolari.
22. (1) Jekk il-partijiet ma jaqblux fuq medjatur li jkun aççettat reçiprokament minn elenku ta’ medjaturi msemmija fl-artikolu 19, il- partijiet, jew xi wa[da minnhom, tista’ tapplika g[and ir-re;istratur g[all-[atra ta’ medjatur, u r-re;istratur mbag[ad jissu;;erixxi lill-Bord l-isem tal-medjatur li jkun imiss fl-elenku.
(2) Medjatur jista’ jirrifjuta kull talba ming[ajr ma jag[ti ebda ra;uni.
23. (1) Qabel ma jaççetta medjazzjoni, medjatur g[andu –
(a) jistabbilixxi, skond ma jkun ra;onevolment possibbli, jekk ikunx hemm fatti mag[rufa li persuna ra;onevoli kieku tqis b[ala li x’aktarx jolqtu l-imparzjalità tieg[u b[ala medjatur<
(b) ji]vela fatti mag[rufa b[al dawk lill-partijiet fil- medjazzjoni kemm jista’ jkun malajr.
(2) Jekk medjatur isir jaf b’xi fatt minn dawk deskritti ta[t is-subartikolu (1)(b) wara li jaççetta l-medjazzjoni, il-medjatur g[andu ji]vela dan lill-partijiet kemm jista’ jkun malajr u sew parti sew l-o[ra jkollhom dritt li jirrifjutaw milli jidhru quddiem dak il-medjatur, f’liema ka] g[andu jin[atar medjatur ;did u ti;i segwita l-proçedura li hemm provdut dwarha ta[t l-artikolu 21.
24. (1) Medjatur jista’ ji;i riku]at jekk ikun hemm çirkostanzi li jag[tu lok g[al dubbju ;ustifikabbli dwar l-imparzjalità tal-medjatur jew l-indipendenza tieg[u.
(2) Tista’ biss parti fil-medjazzjoni tirriku]a lil medjatur li jkun ;ie ma[tur minnha, min[abba f’ra;unijiet li ssir taf bihom wara li tkun saret il-[atra.
(3) Jekk il-parti l-o[ra ma tkunx taqbel mar-riku]a u l- medjatur riku]at ma jirtirax, id-deçi]joni fuq ir-riku]a g[andha ssir miç- chairman u d-deçi]joni tieg[u tkun wa[da finali u li torbot.
(4) Meta ç-chairman jikkonferma r-riku]a, ir-re;istratur g[andu ja[tar medjatur sostitut.
25. (1) Parti li tkun bi [siebha tirriku]a medjatur, g[andha tag[ti avvi] tar-riku]a tag[ha fi ]mien [mistax-il ;urnata wara li l-[atra tal- medjatur riku]at tkun ;iet notifikata lil dik il-parti, jew fi ]mien [mistax- il ;urnata wara li dik il-parti tkun saret taf biç-çirkostanzi msemmija fl- artikolu 23.
(2) Ir-riku]a g[andha ti;i av]ata lir-re;istratur, lill-parti l- o[ra u lill-medjatur li jkun qed ji;i riku]at.
(3) Ir-riku]a g[andha ssir bil-miktub u fiha g[andhom jissemmew ir-ra;unijiet tar-riku]a.
(4) Il-proçedura li hemm provdut dwarha fl-artikolu 21 g[andha ti;i segwita fil-[atra tal-medjatur riku]at.
26. Jekk medjatur imut jew jirri]enja waqt li jkun g[addej il- proçess ta’ medjazzjoni, g[andu jin[atar jew ji;i mag[]ul medjatur sostitut konformement mal-proçedura li hemm provdut dwarha fl- artikolu 21.
27. Parti fil-medjazzjoni tista’ tkun mg[ejjuna, matul il- proedimenti ta’ medjazzjoni, minn avukat, prokuratur legali jew xi persuna msemmija minnu qabel jew
I]da l-medjazzjoni ssir bis-sa[[a ta’ digriet mog[ti minn qorti superjuri ta’ ;urisdizzjoni superjuri, çivili jew kummerçjali, il-parti fil-medjazzjoni g[andha tkun assistita minn avukat.
28. (1) Meta jkun qed imexxi l-proçess ta’ medjazzjoni, il- medjatur g[andu jsegwi il-kodiçi ta’ etika kif provdut miç-?entru u g[andu jassisti lill-partijiet fil-medjazzjoni sabiex jintla[aq risolviment fil-[in opportun u li jkun ;ust u effettiv fin-nefqa.
(2) Il-medjatur g[andu jkollu l-fiduçja tal-partijiet f’kull waqt tal-proçess ta’ medjazzjoni.
C 711

Avvi] ta’ riku]a.

Sostituzzjoni ta’


Parteçipazzjoni fil- medjazzjoni.

Kif titmexxa l- medjazzjoni.

C 712


Terminazzjoni tal- medjazzjoni.

Records tal-proçess ta’ medjazzjoni.

(3) Il-medjatur jista’ b’kunsens iqassar jew itawwal il- proçess ta’ medjazzjoni.
29. (1) Ebda xiehda dwar kliem li jkun intqal jew dwar xi ammissjoni li tkun saret bil-g[an ta’ medjazzjoni, matulha jew konformement mag[ha, ma g[andha tkun ammissibbli fi proçedimenti, u la g[andu u lanqas jista’ ji;i m;ieg[el li jsir l-i]velar ta’ dik ix-xiehda f’ebda proçedimenti.
(2) Kull komunikazzjoni jew diskussjoni dwar risolviment li ssir minn u bejn il-parteçipanti filwaqt li tkun g[addejja l-medjazzjoni, g[andha tibqa’ konfidenzjali.
(3) {lief kif inhu me[tie; ta[t is-subartikolu (4) ta’ dan l- artikolu, medjatur ma jista’ jippre]enta lil xi qorti jew korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni ebda rapport, stima, valutazzjoni, jew ri]ultanza ta’ ebda xorta li jkun jirrigwarda l-medjazzjoni li huwa jkun qed imexxi g[ajr rapport li jkun awtorizzat li jsir mill-Qorti jew korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni, u li fih ikun hemm biss imsemmi jekk ikunx intla[aq kunsens jew le.
(4) Medjatur jista’ biss jag[ti dik l-informazzjoni skond ma ti;i stabbilita ta[t is-subartikolu (3) lil xi Qorti jew korp ta’ a;;udikazzjoni sakemm il-partijiet kollha fil-medjazzjoni jkunu espressament jaqblu bil-miktub dwar dan.
30. Medjazzjoni tintemm meta titwettaq xi wa[da minn dawn il-kondizzjonijiet li ;ejjin>-
(a) il-partijiet fil-medjazzjoni je]egwixxu ftehim bil-miktub li jkun jirrisolvi g[al kollox it-tilwima<
(b) il-medjatur jipprovdi lill-partijiet fil-medjazzjoni b’dokument iffirmat mill-medjatur li jkun jg[id li l-medjazzjoni tkun intemmet, jew kliem b[al dak<
(ç) jekk, fil-fehma tal-medjatur, il-partijiet ma jkunux jistg[u jaslu biex isolvu t-tilwima li jkollhom.
31. (1) Bla [sara g[all-artikolu 29, fi tmiem il-medjazzjoni d- dokumenti kollha li jkollhom x’jaqsmu mal-proçess ta’ medjazzjoni g[andhom jin]ammu mill-medjatur u jistg[u jinqerdu biss wara sentejn minn dik il-konklu]joni.
(2) Iç-?entru jista’, madankollu, jinkludi informazzjoni dwar il-medjazzjoni permezz ta’ ;bir ta’ statistika li ti;i pubblikata minn
]mien g[al ]mien dwar l-attivitajiet tag[ha, sakemm dik l-informazzjoni la tkun tikxef l-identità tal-partijiet u lanqas ma tag[milha possibbli li ç-çirkostanzi partikolari tat-tilwima jkunu jistg[u ji;u identifikati.
TAQSIMA V Mixxellanji
32. Il-Ministru jista’ minn ]mien g[al ]mien jag[mel regolamenti
;eneralment g[at-twettiq tad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u dwar dak kollu li jista’ jkun awtorizzat bl-Att b[ala li g[andu ji;i ordnat.
33. L-ilsien li g[andu jintu]a fil-proçess ta’ medjazzjoni g[andu jkun, sakemm il-partijiet ma jaqblux xort’o[ra, il-Malti.
34. Iç-?entru g[andu jistabbilixxi d-drittijiet u l-ispejje] skond dik it-tariffa ta’ drittijiet li tista’ ti;i ordnata mill-Ministru ta[t l-artikolu
Taqsima VI
Emendi fil-Kodiçi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proçedura ?ivili
35. Il-Kodiçi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proçedura ?ivili, hawn i]jed
’il quddiem imsejja[ “il-Kodiçi”, g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) fl-artikolu 173 tal-Kodiçi–
(i) fis-subartikolu (1), minflok il-kliem “jit[affu l- proçeduri” g[andhom ji]diedu l-kliem “jit[affu jew ji;u façilitati l-proçeduri”< u
(ii) fis-subartikolu (2) tieg[u, minnufih wara l- paragrafu (b) g[andu ji]died dan il-paragrafu ;did li ;ej>
“(ç) sew minn jeddha jew g[ax ti;i ppre]entata nota minn xi parti fil-proçedimenti, tordna li l-proçedimenti ji;u sospi]i g[al dak il-perjodu li tista’ tqis li jkun adatt, u tirreferi lill-partijiet g[and medjatur skond l-Att dwar il- Medjazzjoni.”< u
(b) fl-artikolu 223 tal-Kodiçi, minnufih wara s-subartikolu
(4) tieg[u g[andu ji]died dan is-subartikolu ;did li ;ej>
“(5) Bla [sara g[as-subartikolu (2)(ç) ta’ l-artikolu 173, meta xi parti ming[ajr ebda ra;uni ;usta tirrifjuta jew tonqos milli tipparteçipa quddiem medjatur jew tikkollabora mieg[u, il-Qorti tista’ tordna l-[las ta’ spejje] doppji favur il-parti l- o[ra min[abba f’dak ir-rifjut jew nuqqas.”.
C 713

Setg[a ta’ g[emil ta’ regolamenti.


Tariffa ta’ drittijiet.

Emenda tal-Kodiçi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proçedura ?ivili, Kap. 12.

C 714

G[anijiet u Ra;unijiet

Att li permezz tieg[u ji;i mwaqqaf ?entru tal-Medjazzjoni g[al Malta li jie[u [sieb jistabbilixxi u jirregola s-settur tal-medjazzjoni sija dik domestika kif ukoll internazzjonali, u li jivverifika u jikkontrolla l-kwalifiki ne/essarji u l-a;ir tal-medjaturi. G[an ie[or ta’ dan l-Att huwa sabiex jag[ti g[odda ;dida lis-settur legali li permezz tag[ha jistg[u jin[elsu kwistjonijiet sija dawk li hemm di;à pendenti fil-Qrati tag[na kif ukoll dawk futuri.
C 715



AN ACT to encourage and facilitate the settlement of disputes in Malta through mediation, to establish a Malta Mediation Centre as a centre for domestic and international mediation, and to make provisions regulating the conduct of the mediation process.

PART I Preliminary
1. The short title of this Act is the Mediation Act, 2004.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires -
“the Board” means the Board of Governors of the Centre established by article 6<
“the Centre” means the Malta Mediation Centre established by article 3<
“chairman” means the chairman of the Board<
“domestic mediation” means any mediation of a civil, family, social, commercial and industrial nature<
“financial period” means a period of five years commencing on the first January of one year and ending on the thirty-first day of December of the fifth year thereafter>

Short title. Definitions.

C 716
Provided that the first financial period of the Centre shall be the period commencing with the coming into force of Part III of this Act and ending on the thirty-first day of December of the year next following that on which the said Part III shall have come into force<
“mediation” means a process in which a mediator facilitates negotiations between parties to assist them in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding their dispute<
“mediation party” means a person that participates in a mediation and whose agreement is necessary to resolve the dispute<
“mediator” means a neutral, qualified and impartial individual who conducts a mediation<
“the Minister” means the Minister responsible for justice<
“prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made under this
“proceedings” means a judicial, administrative, arbitral or other adjudicatory process<
“registrar” means the registrar of the Board as defined under article 13.
Establishment and Functions of the Centre

Establishment of the


3. (1) There shall be a Centre to be known as the Malta Mediation Centre, whose purpose and functions are assigned by this Act.
(2) The Centre shall be a body corporate having distinct legal personality and may, in pursuance of its functions>
(a) enter into contracts, acquire, hold or dispose of real and personal property<
(b) sue and be sued< and
(c) do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the fulfilment of its functions.
4. The Centre shall provide a forum where mediation parties may refer, or be referred to, in order to resolve their dispute through the assistance of a mediator.
5. The functions of the Centre shall be>
(a) to promote domestic and international mediation as a means of settling disputes<
(b) to provide for the conduct of domestic and international mediation<
(c) to provide the necessary facilities for the conduct of mediation<
(d) to set up the criteria for the appointment of mediators< (e) to draw up a list of mediators to assist in domestic and
international mediation<
(f) to approve the nominated mediators<
(g) to keep registers and records of the nominated mediators< (h) to remove mediators from the list in the circumstances
listed under article 11<
(i) to provide its own procedure for the handling of disputes< (j) to provide a code of ethics to be followed by mediators
during mediation proceedings<
(k) to determine the tariff of fees to be charged for the services provided by the Centre<
(l) to facilitate better access to mediation procedure through the publication of information, guidelines and related documentation<
(m) to draw up and publish an annual report on the progress of the Centre<
(n) to advise or make recommendations to the Minister on any matter which, in the opinion of the Board, is sought by the Minister<
C 717

Purpose of the


Functions of the


C 718

Establishment of


Composition of the


Duration of office.

Resignation from office.

Concurrent holding of offices.

Removal from office.

(o) to perform such other functions which are assigned to the Centre by this Act or by any other law<
(p) to perform any other function supplementary or ancillary to the above.
6. There shall be a Board which shall be responsible for the policy and general administration of the affairs and business of the Centre.
7. (1) The Board shall consist of not less than three and not more than five members.
(2) The Board shall be appointed by the Minister. (3) The Board shall have as its members>
(a) a chairman who shall be an advocate who has practised law for the previous twelve years<
(b) a deputy chairman who shall also be an advocate who has practised for the previous twelve years and who shall preside during the chairman’s absence, until a new chairman has been appointed, or on death of the chairman<
(c) members who shall have knowledge and experience in dispute resolution, commercial matters, or who, in the opinion of the Minister, are qualified to perform the duties of a member.
8. (1) The members of the Board shall hold office for a period of four years.
(2) A member of the Board may be eligible for re- appointment.
9. A member of the Board may resign his office by letter signed by him and delivered to the Minister.
10. A member of the Board may hold such office concurrently with any other office.
11. (1) A person shall not be eligible to hold office, or a member shall be removed from office, for any of the reasons in subarticle (2) hereof.
(2) A member shall be disqualified if>
(a) he is legally incapacitated<
(b) he has been adjudged bankrupt<
(c) he has been convicted with a criminal offence affecting public trust, theft or fraud<
(d) he has any financial or other interest in any enterprise or activity which is likely to affect the discharge of his functions as a member of the Board< or
(e) on the recommendation by the Commission for the Administration of Justice established under article 101A of the Constitution of Malta, given to the Minister>
(i) he is unfit to continue in office as a member, or
(ii) he has become incapable of properly performing his duties as a member of the Board.
12. The office of a member shall become vacant if> (a) the member dies<
(b) the member’s term of office expires<
(c) the member resigns as specified under article 9< or
(d) the member is disqualified as specified under sub-article
(2) of article 11.
13. (1) The Centre shall have a registrar, who shall also be the secretary of the Board.
(2) The registrar shall be appointed by the Board under such terms and conditions as the Board may deem appropriate.
(3) The legal representation of the Centre shall be vested in the registrar, or in any other person so authorised by the Board.
(4) The registrar shall perform such functions as may be delegated to him in writing by the Board from time to time, including the duty to administer oaths of office that may be required to be taken by the mediators, or by any other person involved in the mediation proceedings.
C 719

Vacancy of office.


C 720

Estimates of the


Revenue of the


Government contributions.

PART III Finances
14. (1) The Centre shall cause to be prepared in every financial period, and shall not later than six months before the end of each financial period adopt, estimates of the income and expenditure of the Centre for the next following financial period.
(2) The estimates shall be made out in the prescribed form, and shall contain such information and comparisons with previous financial periods as the Minister may prescribe.
(3) The estimates shall take into account the government contributions, if any, to the revenues of the Centre as the Minister may indicate to the Centre that he will recommend to the House of Representatives for the financial year in consideration, in accordance with article 16.
(4) A copy of the estimates of the Centre shall, upon their adoption by the Centre, be sent by the Board to the Minister.
15. (1) The revenues of the Centre shall consist of the fees charged for the services provided by it under this Act or of any other government contribution made in accordance with article 16.
(2) The Minister may, after consultation with the Centre, prescribe the fees to be charged by the Centre for any services, facilities or any other matter provided by it in accordance with this Act or in pursuance of the exercise of its functions under this Act.
16. (1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Centre, any other person or authority, and with the concurrence of the Minister responsible for finance, indicate in writing to the Centre the amount of government contribution to be made to the Centre, and such amount is to be included in its estimates for the next financial period.
(2) The indication made by the Minister under sub-article (1) hereof shall be attached to the estimates of the Centre to be forwarded to the Minister.
(3) Upon the approval of the estimates with or without amendments as provided in this Act, the sum approved in the estimates as the government contribution shall be paid to the Centre out of the Consolidated Fund without any further authority other than this Act.
(4) Any excess of revenue over the expenditure of the Centre shall, subject to such directives as the Minister may, after consultation with the Minister responsible for finance, from time to time give, be applied by the Centre to the formation of reserve funds to be used for the purposes of the Centre.
(5) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers given to the Minister by sub-article (5) hereof, any direction given by the Minister as aforesaid may order the transfer to Government, or the application in such manner as may be specified in the direction, of any of such revenues.
PART IV Mediation process
17. Mediation proceedings may be resorted to by the mediation parties>
(a) voluntarily< or
(b) following a decree or order by an adjudicatory body< (c) by law.
18. (1) Parties to any proceeding may, by a joint note, request the adjudicatory body to stay proceedings while the parties attempt at settling the dispute before a mediator.
(2) The adjudicatory body shall –
(a) on a request made under sub-article (1) hereof< or
(b) on its own initiative, and where it considers it appropriate that the dispute may be resolved through the assistance of a mediator, direct that proceedings be stayed for the duration of the process.
(3) The adjudicatory body may establish the time of the adjudication period and extend such period until such date, or for such specified periods, as it considers appropriate.
(4) Where the adjudicatory body stays the proceedings under this rule, the parties shall inform the adjudicatory body if a settlement is reached.
C 721

Recourse to mediation proceedings.

An adjudicatory body to stay proceedings.

C 722

List of mediators.

Selection of mediator.

(5) If the parties do not inform the adjudicatory body by the end of the period of stay that a settlement has been reached, the adjudicatory body shall give such directions as to the management of the case as it considers appropriate.
19. (1) In accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (e) of article 5, the Centre shall draw up a list of mediators to assist in domestic and international mediation.
(2) The list shall be composed of persons who in the opinion of the Centre are qualified to carry out the duties and functions of a mediator in a particular field of expertise.
22. (1) If the parties do not agree on a mutually acceptable mediator from the list of mediators referred to in article 19, the parties, or any one of them, may apply to the registrar for the appointment of a mediator, and the registrar shall then suggest to the Board the name of the mediator who is next on the list.
(2) A mediator may decline a request without giving any

Mediator’s disclosure of conflict of interest.

Challenge of mediator.

23. (1) Prior to accepting a mediation, a mediator shall –
(a) determine, as is reasonably possible, whether there are any known facts that a reasonable individual would consider likely to affect his impartiality as a mediator<
(b) disclose any such known facts to the mediation parties as soon as is possible.
(2) If a mediator learns any fact described under sub-article (1)(b) after accepting a mediation, the mediator shall disclose it to the parties at his earliest convenience and either party shall have a right to refuse to appear before such mediator, in which case a new mediator shall be appointed and there shall be followed the procedure provided for under article 21.
24. (1) Any mediator may be challenged if circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubt as to the mediator’s impartiality or independence.
(2) A mediation party may challenge the mediator appointed by him only for reasons of which he becomes aware after the appointment has been made.
(3) If the other party does not agree on the challenge and the challenged mediator does not withdraw, the decision on the challenge shall be made by the chairman and his decision shall be final and binding.
(4) When the chairman sustains the challenge, the registrar shall appoint a substitute mediator.
25. (1) A party who intends to challenge a mediator, shall send notice of his challenge within fifteen days after the appointment of the challenged mediator has been notified to such party, or within fifteen days after the circumstances mentioned in article 23 have become known to such party.
(2) The challenge shall be notified to the registrar, to the other party and to the mediator who is challenged.
(3) The challenge shall be in writing and there shall be stated the reasons of the challenge.
(4) The procedure provided for in article 21 shall be followed for the appointment of the challenged mediator.
26. In the event of the death or resignation of a mediator during the course of the mediation process, a substitute mediator shall be appointed or chosen pursuant to the procedure provided for in article
27. A mediation party may, during mediation proceedings, be assisted by an advocate, legal procurator or any individual designated by him before or during the mediation>
Provided that when recourse to mediation follows a decree from a superior court of civil or commercial jurisdiction, the mediation party shall be assisted by an advocate.
28. (1) In the conduct of the mediation process, the mediator shall follow the code of ethics as provided by the Centre and shall assist the mediation parties to reach a resolution that is timely, fair and cost- effective.
(2) The mediator shall hold the trust of the parties at all time of the mediation process.
(3) The mediator may shorten or extend the mediation process by agreement.
C 723

Notification of challenge.

Replacement of mediator.

Participation in mediation.

Conduct of a mediation.

C 724


Termination of mediation.

Records of mediation process.

29. (1) No evidence of anything said or any admission made for the purpose of, in the course of, or pursuant to, mediation is admissible in any proceedings, and disclosure of such evidence shall not and may not be compelled in any proceedings.
(2) All communications or settlement discussions by and between participants in the course of mediation shall remain confidential.
(3) Except as required under sub-article (4) hereof, a mediator may not submit to any court or adjudicatory body any report, assessment, evaluation, or finding of any kind concerning a mediation conducted by him other than a report that is mandated by the Court or adjudicatory body, and which only states whether an agreement was reached.
(4) A mediator may only divulge such information as established under sub-article (3) to a Court or adjudicatory body as long as all parties to the mediation expressly agree in writing.
30. A mediation ends when either one of the following conditions is satisfied>-
(a) the mediation parties execute a written agreement that fully resolves the dispute<
(b) the mediator provides the mediation parties with a writing signed by the mediator that states that the mediation is terminated, or words to that effect<
(c) if, in the opinion of the mediator, the parties cannot arrive at a solution to their dispute.
31. (1) Subject to article 29, at the termination of a mediation all documentation relating to the mediation process shall be retained by the mediator and may only be destroyed after two years therefrom.
(2) The Centre may, however, include information concerning the mediation in any aggregate statistical data that is published from time to time concerning its activities, provided that such information does not reveal the identity of the parties or does not enable the particular circumstances of the dispute to be identified.
PART V Miscellaneous
32. The Minister may from time to time make regulations generally for the carrying out of the provisions of this Act and for such matters as may be authorised by the Act to be prescribed.
33. The language to be used in the mediation process shall, unless the parties agree otherwise, be Maltese.
34. The Centre shall determine fees and costs in accordance with such tariff of fees as shall be prescribed by the Minister under article
Part VI
Amendments to the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure
35. The Code of Organization and Civil Procedure, hereinafter referred to as “the Code”, shall be amended as follows>
(a) in article 173 of the Code –
(i) in sub-article (1), immediately after the words “or to expedite” there shall be added the words “or facilitate or”< and
(ii) in sub-article (2) thereof, immediately after paragraph (b) there shall be added the following new paragraph>
“(c) either on its own motion or on a note filed by any party to the proceedings, direct that proceedings be stayed for such period as it considers appropriate, and refer the parties to a mediator in accordance with the Mediation Act.”< and
(b) in article 223 of the Code, immediately after sub-article
(4) thereof there shall be added the following new sub-article>
“(5) Subject to sub-article (2)(c) of article 173, when a party without just cause refuses or fails to participate before or collaborate with a mediator, the Court may award double costs in the other party’s favour due to such refusal or failure.”.
C 725

Power to make regulations.


Tariff of fees.

Amendment of the Code of Organization

and Civil Procedure, Cap. 12.

C 726

Objects and Reasons

An Act to provide for the establishment of a Malta Mediation Centre to regulate the domestic and international mediation sector and to audit and control the required qualifications of mediators and their behaviour. This Act also caters for the provision of new tools to the legal sector that would enable settlement of already existing and future disputes.

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta

Mitbug[ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern — Printed at the Government Printing Press

Prezz 56ç – Price 56c

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