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Traffic Regulation Ordinance (Cap. 65) Malta Transport Authority Act (Cap. 332) Arrears Of Motor Vehicle Licences (Regularisation) Regulations, 2004 (L.N. 13 Of 2004 )

L.N. 128 of 1994


Immunità minn responsabbiltà kriminali u

e]enzjoni minn [las.

B 84

Avvi] bil-mitkub dwar mankanza lill- Awtorità.

{las amministrattiv.

Vetturi skrappjati.

Vetturi li se jkunu ji;u skrappjati.

Vetturi garaxxjati.

jew skond ir-regolament 18 tar-regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur, jing[ata immunità minn din ir-responsabbiltà kriminali u e]enzjoni s[i[a jew parzjali mill-[las ta’ arretrati fuq [lasijiet tal-li/enza tat-triq dovuti lill-Awtorità wara li jkunu sodisfatti l-kundizzjonijiet stipulati f’dawn ir-regolamenti.
4. Fi ]mien perijodu ta’ sitt xhur mid-data li fiha jibdew ise[[u dawn ir-regolamenti, minn hawn ’il quddiem imsej[a l-perijodu ta’ regolarizzazzjoni, kull persuna li g[aliha japplika r-regolament 3 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, g[andha ting[ata avvi] bil-miktub lill-Awtorità dwar in-nuqqas tag[ha u dwar l-intenzjoni tag[ha li tirregolarizza l- po]izzjoni tag[ha skond dawn ir-regolamenti.
5. L-avvi] g[andu jkun indirizzat u ippre]entat lit-Taqsima dwar Arretrati ta’ D[ul fi [dan l-Awtorità u mieg[u g[andu ji;i ppre]entat [las amministrattiv ta’ [mistax-il lira Maltin.
I]da, kull avvi] li ma jkunx akkumpanjat mill-[las preskritt ma jkunx jikkostitwixxi avvi] validu skond ir-regolament 4.
6. Avvi] fir-rigward ta’ li/enza li tappartjeni lil vettura li tkun
;iet skrappjata ming[ajr il-formalitajiet me[tie;a kif mitlub fir- regolament 26 tar-regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur, g[andu jkun akkumpanjat minn affidavit g[al dak l-iskop. Kull min jippre]enta avvi] validu skond dan ir-regolament jibbenefika minn e]enzjoni totali mir- responsabbiltà kriminali u mill-[las ta’ arretrati dovuti minnu g[ar- rigward tal-li/enza ta’ l-imsemmija vettura skond l-Ordinanza u r- regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur.
7. Kull min jissottometti avvi] fir-rigward ta’ li/enza li tappartjeni lil vettura li jkun se jiskrappja, g[andu jibbenefika minn e]enzjoni s[i[a mill-[las ta’ l-arretrati kollha ta’ [lasijiet tal-li/enza li kellhom isiru fir-rigward ta’ l-imsemmija vettura u g[andu jkun e]enti mir-responsabbiltà kriminali jekk u meta jissodisfa r-rekwi]iti tar- regolament 26 tar-regolamenti dwar il-vetturi b’mutur>
I]da jekk dik il-persuna tonqos milli tissodisfa l-obbligi ta’ dan ir- regolament fi ]mien mhux aktar minn xahar minn meta jag[laq il- perijodu ta’ regolarizzazzjoni, dik il-persuna titlef id-dritt li tibbenefika mir-regolament 3 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti u tibqa’ so;;etta g[al proçeduri kriminali u responsabbiltà /ivili skond l-Ordinanza u r- regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur.
8. Kull min jissottometti avvi] fir-rigward ta’ li/enza li tappartjeni lil vettura li ma tkunx g[adha tintu]a fit-triq i]da li ma tkunx ;iet garaxxjata skond id-dispo]izzjonijiet tar-regolament 18(4) tar-
regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur, jibbenefika minn tnaqqis ta’ sitta u sittin fil-mija ta’ l-arretrati tal-[lasijiet kollha tal-li/enza dovuti fir- rigward ta’ l-imsemmija vettura u ji;i e]entat mir-responsabbiltà kriminali jekk u meta jissodisfa r-rekwi]iti ta’ l-imsemmija regolamenti u j[allas l-ammont imnaqqas ta’ l-arretrati dovuti minnu>
I]da jekk dik il-persuna tonqos milli tissodisfa l-obbligi tag[ha skond dan ir-regolament fi ]mien mhux aktar minn xahar minn meta jag[laq il-perijodu ta’ regolarizzazzjoni, dik il-persuna titlef id-dritt li tibbenefika mir-regolament 3 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti u tibqa’ so;;etta g[al pro/eduri kriminali u responsabbiltà /ivili skond l-Ordinanza u r- regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur.
9. Kull min jippre]enta avvi] fir-rigward ta’ li/enza li tappartjeni lil vettura li ma tkunx se ti;i garaxxjata skond id-dispo]izzjonijiet tar- regolament 18(4) tar-regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur, jibbenefika minn tnaqqis ta’ tlieta u tletin fil-mija ta’ l-arretrati tal-[lasijiet kollha tal-li/enza dovuti fir-rigward ta’ l-imsemmija vettura u ji;i e]entat mir- responsabbiltà kriminali jekk u meta j[allas l-ammont ta’ arretrati mnaqqsa dovuti minnu u wkoll il-[las s[i[ tal-li/enza g[as-sena korrenti>
I]da jekk dik il-persuna tonqos milli tissodisfa l-obbligi tag[ha skond dan ir-regolament fi ]mien mhux aktar minn xahar minn meta jag[laq il-perijodu ta’ regolarizzazzjoni, dik il-persuna titlef id-dritt li tibbenefika mir-regolament 3 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti u tibqa’ so;;etta g[al pro/eduri kriminali u responsabbiltà /ivili skond l-Ordinanza u r- regolamenti dwar il-vetturi bil-mutur.
10. Kull vettura li, ma g[eluq xahar mill-perijodu tar- regolarizzazzjoni, ikun g[ad g[andha l-pjan/i bin-numri ta’ identifikazzjoni allokati mill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija qabel l-1995, titqies li ;iet skrappjata fir-re;istri ta’ l-Awtorità. Biex l-imsemmija vettura tkun tista’ ter;a’ tintu]a fit-triq, trid ter;a’ ti;i re;istrata mill-
;did u ssir valutazzjoni ;dida mill-Awtorità.
B 85

Vetturi li ma jkunux se ji;u skrappjati

jew garaxxjati.

Pjan/i qodma tan- numri.

B 86
L.N. 13 of 2004

Arrears of Motor Vehicle Licences (Regularisation) Regulations,
IN exercise of the powers conferred by article 54 of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance, and by article 27 of the Malta Transport Authority Act, the Minister for Transport and Communications in concurrence with the Minister of Finance and Economic Services, has, after consultation with the Malta Transport Authority, made the following regulations>–

Title and commencement.


L.N. 128 of 1994


Immunity from criminal liability

and exemption from payment.

1. (1) The title of these regulations is the Arrears of Motor
Vehicle Licences (Regularisation) Regulations, 2004.
(2) These regulations shall come into force on the 29th
January, 2004.
2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires – “Authority” means the Malta Transport Authority<
“the Ordinance” means the Traffic Regulation Ordinance<
“the motor vehicle regulations” means the Motor Vehicle
Regulations, 1994<
“the notice” means the written notice mentioned in regulation
4 of these regulations.
3. Whosoever on the date of the coming into force of these regulations has incurred liability under article 57 of the Ordinance and, or regulation 18 of the motor vehicle regulations, shall be granted an immunity from criminal liability and a full or partial exemption from the payment of arrears in road licence fees due to the Authority upon the fulfilment of the terms and conditions set out by these regulations.
4. Within a period of six months from the date of the coming into force of these regulations, hereinafter called the regularisation period, any person to whom regulation 3 hereof applies, shall give written notice to the Authority of his default and of his intention to regularise his position in accordance with these regulations.
5. The notice shall be addressed and presented to the Arrears of Revenue Unit within the Authority and shall be accompanied by a processing fee of fifteen Malta liri>
Provided that any notice which is not accompanied by the prescribed fee shall not constitute valid notice in terms of regulation 4.
6. A notice with respect to a licence pertaining to a vehicle which has been scrapped without the necessary formalities outlined in regulation 26 of the motor vehicle regulations, shall be accompanied by a sworn statement to that effect. A person who submits a valid notice under this regulation shall benefit from a total exemption from criminal liability and from payment of arrears due by him in relation to the licence of the said vehicle under the Ordinance and the motor vehicle regulations.
7. Any person who submits a notice with respect to a licence pertaining to a vehicle which he intends to scrap, shall benefit from a full exemption from payment of all arrears in licence fees due with respect to the said vehicle and shall be exempt from criminal liability if and when he fulfils the requirements set out in regulation 26 of the motor vehicle regulations>
Provided that if such person fails to fulfil the obligations set out in this regulation within a maximum period of one month from the expiration of the regularisation period, such person shall forfeit his entitlement to benefit from regulation 3 of these regulations and he shall remain liable to criminal prosecution and civil liability under the Ordinance and the motor vehicle regulations.
8. Any person who submits a notice with respect to a licence pertaining to a vehicle which is no longer used on the road but which has not been garaged in accordance with the provisos to regulation 18(4) of the motor vehicle regulations, shall benefit from a reduction of sixty six per cent of all the arrears in licence fees due with respect to the said vehicle and shall be exempt from criminal liability if and when he fulfils the requirements set out in the said provisos and pays the reduced amount of arrears due by him>
Provided that if such a person fails to fulfil the obligations set out in this regulation within a maximum period of one month from the
B 87

Written notice of default to the Authority.

Processing fee.

Scrapped vehicles.

Vehicles which are to be scrapped.

Garaged vehicles.

B 88

Vehicles which will neither be scrapped nor garaged.

Old number plates.

expiration of the regularisation period, such person shall forfeit his entitlement to benefit from regulation 3 of these regulations and he shall remain liable to criminal prosecution and civil liability under the Ordinance and the motor vehicle regulations.
9. Any person who submits a notice with respect to a licence pertaining to a vehicle which such person does not intend to garage in accordance with the provisos to regulation 18(4) of the motor vehicle regulations, shall benefit from a reduction of thirty three per cent of all the arrears in licence fees due with respect to the said vehicle and shall be exempt from criminal liability if and when he pays the amount of reduced arrears due by him as well as the full licence fee for the current year>
Provided that if such person fails to fulfil the obligations set out in this regulation within a period of one month from the expiration of the regularisation period, such person shall forfeit his entitlement to benefit from regulation 3 of these regulations and shall remain liable to criminal prosecution and civil liability under the Ordinance and the motor vehicle regulations.
10. Any vehicle which, at the expiry of a month from the regularisation period, still bears the identification number plates allotted to it by the Commissioner of Police prior to 1995 shall be deemed scrapped in the records of the Authority. In order for such vehicle to be used on the road again it shall be registered afresh and a valuation made by the Authority.

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta

Mitbug[ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern — Printed at the Government Printing Press

Prezz 12ç – Price 12c

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