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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 129/2000

Regulation 16. Application to assign or transfer individual licence.

[Am P.U.(A) 144/2005]

(1) An application to assign or transfer an individual licence shall be made by the individual licensee, in writing, to the Minister and shall be accompanied by -
[Am P.U.(A) 144/2005]
[Am P.U.(A) 144/2005]

(2) Where the Minister seeks the advice of the Commission on the application referred to in subregulation (1), the Commission may, in writing, request the applicant to provide further information or other document within the time period specified in the request.

(3) If any additional information or document required under subregulation (2) is not provided by the applicant within the time specified in the request or any extension of time granted by the Commission, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn and shall not be further proceeded with, but without affecting the right of the applicant to make a fresh application.

(4) The Minister shall, within sixty days from receipt of all relevant information including such further information or other document as may have been requested under subregulation (3), notify the applicant in writing of his decision.

(5) If the Minister neither approves nor refuses to approve an application made under subregulation (1) within the time period specified under subregulation (4), the Minister is deemed at the end of that period, to have refused the application unless the applicant receives a written notice approving the application after the period.

[Am. P.U.(A) 298/2001]