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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 128/2000

Regulation 12. Suspension or cancellation of an assignment.

(1) The Commission may suspend or cancel an assignment in any of the following circumstances:

(2) Before suspending or cancelling an assignment, the Commission shall notify the assignment holder in writing of its intention.

(3) The assignment holder shall within thirty days from the date of issuance of the written notice provide a written submission to the Commission stating the reasons for not suspending or cancelling the assignment.

(4) The Commission shall give due consideration to any submission made by the assignment holder before making a decision to suspend or cancel the assignment.

(5) If a suspension or cancellation of an assignment affects members of the public, the Commission shall give due consideration to any submission made by the members of the public before making a decision to suspend or cancel the assignment.

(6) The suspension or cancellation of an assignment shall take effect on the expiry of fourteen days from the date on which the notice of suspension or cancellation is served on the assignment holder.

(7) If the assignment has been cancelled under subregulation (1) -