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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 128/2000

Regulation 34. Spectrum interference.

(1) The Commission shall not be responsible for any minor interference, major interference and harmful interference caused by any part of the spectrum assigned by it.

(2) If an apparatus is believed by the Commission to be causing major interference or harmful interference to a radio-sensitive radiocommunications device, the owner or user of the apparatus or radio-sensitive radiocommunications device shall allow the Commission to inspect the apparatus or radio-sensitive radiocommunications device for the purposes of ascertaining whether the apparatus is causing such major interference or harmful interference.

(3) If an apparatus causes major interference or harmful interference, the Commission may direct the owner or user of the apparatus to take, at his own expense, such measures as are necessary to eliminate or reduce the interference to the satisfaction of the Commission.

(4) If it is necessary to modify or alter an apparatus under subregulation (2) , the modification or alteration shall be made within such reasonable time and upon the terms and conditions specified by the Commission.

(5) A person who -

commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.