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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 128/2000

Regulation 6. Marketing plan.

(1) The marketing plan prepared by the Commission under regulation 5 may consist of -

(2) The marketing plan and any material modification of it shall be made available to the public for comment and any comments which are received within the reasonable period specified by the Commission shall be considered by the Commission before issuing an assignment.

(3) The marketing plan may not require an assignment to be issued for the whole of the spectrum or the geographic area to which the marketing plan applies.

(4) The marketing plan may indicate whether the assignments are to be assigned by auction, tender or a fixed price determined by the Minister or the Commission.

(5) The procedures for obtaining a fixed price to be determined by the Minister or the Commission, as the case may be, may include the following:
(6) The matters to be taken into account in determining the fixed prices shall include the following:
(7) The Commission may modify or vary the marketing plan as it deems fit.