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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 79/2002

Rule 14. Deposit.

(1) An applications service provider providing PSTN may require a subscriber to pay a deposit, in any sum and forms as may be specified by such provider, which shall be held to the subscriber's credit and repaid to him not later than three months after termination of the facilities covered by the rental in rule 11, subject to the deduction of any amount then due to the applications service provider providing PSTN by the subscriber.

(2) The applications service provider providing PSTN shall pay a sum equivalent to five percent per annum or such percentage to be decided by the Minister from time to time, as a rebate on the amount of deposit held by the applications service provider other than in the form of bank guarantee, and credit it into the subscriber's fixed access device account at the end of each calendar year or on a pro-rated basis from the subscription date of the exchange line to the end of that calendar year and at the end of each calendar year thereafter but no subscribers shall be entitled to the said rebate if the said service has been subscribed for a period of less than a year.