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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 124/2000

Regulation 23. Suspension or cancellation of compliance certificate.

(1) Subject to subregulations (2) and (7), a compliance certificate issued in respect of certified communications equipment may be suspended or cancelled for failure to comply with the conditions and the standards under the Act or any subsidiary legislation made under the Act.

(2) Before suspending or cancelling the certification of communications equipment, the Commission shall notify the supplier in writing of its intention.

(3) After being notified, the supplier shall within fourteen days from the issuance of the notice provide a written submission to the Commission stating the reasons for not suspending or cancelling its compliance certificate.

(4) The Commission shall give due consideration to the written submission made by the supplier before making a decision to suspend or cancel the compliance certificate.

(5) Where the Commission, after giving due consideration to the written submission, suspends or cancels the compliance certificate, the Commission shall issue a notice in writing to the supplier together with the reasons for the suspension or cancellation.

(6) The suspension or cancellation of a compliance certificate shall take effect on the expiry of twenty-one days from the date on which the notice of suspension or cancellation is issued to the supplier.

(7) Notwithstanding subregulations (2) to (6), where the Commission is of the view that an urgent action is required to safeguard the safety of the public, the Commission may, pursuant to subregulation (1), suspend or cancel the certification of communications equipment with immediate effect upon serving a notice in writing to the supplier.

(8) The suspension or cancellation of the compliance certificate shall be without prejudice to the rights of the Commission to take any other action against the supplier or any other person under the Act or any subsidiary legislation made under the Act.

(9) Notwithstanding subregulation (6), the supplier shall cease to supply or sell any communications equipment of which its compliance certificate has been suspended or cancelled by the Commission from the date specified in the notice.