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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 359/98


Regulation 67. Issue and renewal of certificate of recognition.

(1) On receipt of an application under regulation 64, the Controller shall consider the application.

(2) If the Controller is satisfied as to the qualification and suitability of the date/time stamp service, the Controller may issue a certificate of recognition in Form 5, with or without conditions, or may refuse the certificate of recognition.

(3) The Controller shall specify the stage for which the certificate of recognition is issued, the duration of the certificate of recognition and its serial number in the certificate of recognition.

(4) If the Controller refuses a certificate of recognition under subregulation (2), the Controller shall immediately notify the applicant in writing of his refusal.

(5) The decision of the Controller under subregulation (4) shall be final and shall not be questioned in any court.

(6) The prescribed granting fee and annual operating fee for the first year of operation shall be payable to the Controller on the issuance of the operation stage of the certificate of recognition.

(7) The prescribed annual operating fee for the second and subsequent years of operation shall be payable at such time as may be determined by the Controller.

(8) A certificate of recognition shall be renewable on application.

(9) An application for the renewal of a certificate of recognition shall be made in Form 1.

(10) An application under subregulation (9) shall be accompanied by -