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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 359/98


Regulation 82. Data protection.

(1) A licensed certification authority, a recognised repository and a recognised date/time stamp service shall collect personal data only directly from the affected person and only in so far as it is necessary for the purposes of the Act and these Regulations.

(2) Data from a third party, may only be collected if the person affected gives that person's prior written consent.

(3) Data collected under the Act and these Regulations shall only be used for the purposes of the Act and these Regulations unless -

(4) If a subscriber uses a pseudonym with the approval of the licensed certification authority, the licensed certification authority shall transmit data concerning the subscriber's identity on the request of the proper authorities in so far as it is necessary to prosecute offences or to protect against threats to public safety or public order.

(5) If information is transmitted under subregulation (4), such information shall be documented by the relevant authority.