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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 359/98


Regulation 83. Review of software, etc.

(1) The Controller shall keep the suitability of software, hardware, technical components, algorithms, standards and other pertinent parameters relating to the generation of digital signature key pairs, the hashing of the data to be digitally signed and the creation and verification of digital signatures under review, and may periodically publish reports of the reviews.

(2) The period of suitability of the software, hardware, technical components, algorithms, standards and other pertinent parameters reviewed under subregulation (1) shall be specified in the report.

(3) Suitability shall be considered present if throughout a specified period, being not less than six years after the time of assessment, any detectable forging of digital signatures or manipulation of digitally signed data can be ruled out with near certainty by means in accordance with current scientific and technological standards and taking relevant international standards into account.

(4) The reports referred to in subregulation (1) may be made available to the public on payment of the prescribed fee.