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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 351/99

Regulation 24. Request for restoration.

(1) A request for restoration of a lapsed registration pursuant to subsection 26(1) shall be made to the Registrar on ID Form 3 together with the prescribed fee and statement supporting the request.

(2) If, upon consideration of the application, the Registrar is not satisfied that a case for restoration under subsection 26(2) has been made out, he shall notify the applicant accordingly and, unless within one month from the date of the notification the applicant requests to be heard, the Registrar shall refuse the request.

(3) If the applicant requests a hearing within one month from the date of the notification referred to in subregulation (2) , the Registrar shall, after giving him an opportunity to be heard by filing in written submissions within a specified time, determine whether the request shall be allowed or refused.

(4) If the Registrar decides to allow the application he shall notify the applicant accordingly and require him to file ID Form 2 together with the prescribed fee, any outstanding extension fee and the prescribed surcharge.