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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 327/86


Regulation 33A. Reinstatement of lapsed patent.

(1) A request under section 35A (1) of the Act for the reinstatement of a lapsed patent shall be made to the Registrar on Form 5E together with the payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) The Registrar may require the, submission of such information or documents, including a written explanation by the Person making the request, in support of the request for the reinstatement of the lapsed patent.

(3) Where a case for reinstatement has not been made out to the satisfaction of the Registrar, he shall notify the person making the request in writing of that fact and shall state the reasons therefor and shall give the person making the request an opportunity to be heard.

(4) Upon receipt of a notification under subregulation. (3) , the person making the request may, within one month from the date of the mailing of the notification, request for a hearing.

(5) Where the Registrar receives a request for a hearing under subregulation (4) , he shall give the person making the request an opportunity to present his case and shall thereafter give his decision.

(6) Where no request for a hearing is received within the prescribed period or where the person making the request does not appear on the date fixed for the hearing of the request the Registrar shall refuse the request for reinstatement and shall inform the person making the request in writing of that decision.

(7) Where a case for reinstatement has been made out to the satisfaction of the Registrar, he shall notify the person making the request in writing of that fact.

(8) Upon receipt of a notification under subregulation (7) , the person making the request shall, within one month from the date of the mailing of the notification, pay to the Registrar all annual fees due and the prescribed surcharge for reinstatement.

(9) The Registrar shall, upon receipt of the annual fees due and the prescribed surcharge for reinstatement, reinstate the patent; and the date of reinstatement shall be recorded in the Register.